Amazing Beliefs Part 3

Can’t believe I forgot all about this. Since I’m too busy to blog, here is more amazing beliefs about guns from author Michael Z. Williamson:

Part 1
Part 2

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Let’s Say You Were On The Internet.

Good day Y’all
Let’s Say You Are On The Internet…. Ok you are on the internet
Then you’d definitely want to go See Podcaster Details For IMAudiO on — So you can vote for it!!!
Why? Because if you won’t then Frank will allow Glenn to blend your favorite puppy/kitten/hobo.
Update: We are just 11 votes out of the top ten! For some reason votes are slow to show up after being entered. At least mine was. Yes, I voted for my/our own podcast.

Amateur Hour

Man, there are so many jokes I could write about executing Tookie – not to mention all the other issues out there – if I only had some time.
Make some Tookie jokes/commentary in the comments so I at least feel that subject was covered.
Now if I could only make time for my rant about “Kwanzaa”…

November Sweeps is over

The Nielsen ratings period known as “November Sweeps” is officially over for 2005.
We now return you to your regularly-scheduled crap, already in progress.