Amateur Hour

Man, there are so many jokes I could write about executing Tookie – not to mention all the other issues out there – if I only had some time.
Make some Tookie jokes/commentary in the comments so I at least feel that subject was covered.
Now if I could only make time for my rant about “Kwanzaa”…


  1. Tookie (noun) –
    a member of a fictional race of hairy bipeds in the Star Wars universe. The most famous is Chewbacca, a companion to Han Solo.

    I’m sorry to break your bubble, (and show myself to be a nerd) but Chewie wasn’t a Tookie.
    He was a Wookie.
    Unless, of course, you where making a joke about the founder of Crips who should be executed.
    But, then again, he is a joke. So it’s rather redundant.

  2. Does Tookie celebrate kwanzaa?
    Or perhaps they have a swimming pool and that’s what he shouts in leiu of “Cannonball!” when he jumps in? Kwanzaaaaaaaaaa!!!
    No wait, that was what the Japanese suicide pilots were called in WW2. That’s probably what they radio’ed in just before striking their target.
    What did budda promise them for killing themselves? 72 gieshas?

  3. Dude, those poor kamikazes were throwing in the towel on death run for nothing more than the favor of this Emperor dude. Always figured thy were kinda fruity.
    I take offense at these murdering bastards calling themselves Crips. As a cripple, it pisses me off. Though they might qualify as mentally handicapped. I’m with Jimmy and Timmy. I mean, Come On.

  4. I thought a tookie was one a’ them punks that wears a touque (wool cap sometimes called a watch cap … but the cheese-eating surrender-monkeys call it a “touque” … pronounced “two-k”) in warm weather … unlike northerners who wear them to keep their ears warm in the winter.

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