Putting the Extra Troops to Good Use

(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
Rummy says that the US plans on pulling 7000 combat troops out of Iraq in 2006. Mostly because Iraqi security forces will be trained up enough to do most of the terrorist-shootin’ themselves by that time. Hard to believe it’s taking them this long to improve their marksmanship, but apparently Iraqis have worse aim than Ted Kennedy approaching a bridge, so we just have to make do with what we’ve got.
Meanwhile, we’ll have 7000 troops with nothing to kill, so we’ll need to find something else for them to do until Iran mouths off one time too many.
Here are my suggestions:

  • Send them to rescue those seven stranded castaways. It’s been 41 years already. Let’s bring ’em home.
  • Rub salve on Frank J’s rash.
  • Invade France – one can hold the gun while the other 6999 collect white flags from all the trembling surrender monkeys.
  • Since Democrats are all pissed off about wiretapping terrorists, we’ll just have the soldiers stand next to the terrorists and eavesdrop, instead.
  • Use them to re-connect that loose wire on your computer’s motherboard.
  • No, wait… that’s solders. Nevermind.
  • After the ’06 elections, the DNC is gonna need some logistical support to deliver their extra supplies of special “weeping hankies”.
  • Have them walk around New York City and gut-punch every lazy, overpaid Transport Workers Union bastard that went on strike.
  • Rebuild the levees in New Orleans.
  • Preferably with the bodies of the lazy, overpaid Transport Workers Union bastards that went on strike.
  • Get ’em all likkered up & suggest that it might be fun to try pushing the UN Building into the East River… “it’ll be sorta like cow tipping!”
  • Give them each a pointy stick and have them poke at Howard Dean to see if they can get him to make that funny sound again.
  • Give them a Holocaust Cloak and a wheelbarrow and have them storm the castle.

Or maybe we could just buy ’em a beer & send ’em home to spend time with their families.
AFTER they finish with Howard Dean.

Predictions for 2006

What does the future hold for the world in 2006? Some might say – it’s like a Christmas present – you’ll just have to wait and see.
Thankfully, every year – I peek!!
Just like Christmas presents and national security – it’s always good to have a little inside advance information.
I, RightWingDuck, would like to present – My Predictions for 2006.

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Frank Does Karaoke

Since Frank J. is now married, I assume this must be him singing The Man Song.
Safe for work, but probably difficult to justify to the boss.

Late Night With FrankJ

I would just like to state for the record that at no time did FrankJ send coded messages through IMAO to hypnotize SarahK into marrying him and becoming a co-blogger. A restraining order would be completely without merit, and I am glad that the New Jersey judge has finally come to his senses by setting things right and refusing to issue that restraining order.
After much discussion and research, the other co-bloggers of IMAO have detected no sign of code words, gestures and eye expressions in FrankJ’s writing, although we assume that his obsession with ninjas, nuking the moon, and monkeys may be the sign of some sort of mistreatment by circus clowns during his upbringing. (But then, who wasn’t molested by circus clowns?)
As for the threat to break the legs of any of FrankJ’s representatives who attempt to come near her, I’d just like to say that Harvey is expected to be able to walk again after a few months of physical therapy.