Reminiscing With Alzheimer’s

Frank & Sarah are getting married, and on a happy occasion like this, I think it’s only appropriate that we share our favorite memories of the lucky couple.
Sort of.
So I’m stealing this notion from Tammi of Tammi’s World:

“Remember the time we…”
Please post a comment with a completely fictional memory of you and me. It can be anything you want– good or bad, silly or stupid, believable or not — but it has to be fake.

What are YOUR best memories of time spent with Frank & Sarah?

Frank J And Sarahk’s Hitching Day

Frank and Sarah are having the big wedding shindig today.
I was invited, and really wanted to go, but I had to decline. I had some family matters I had to take care of.
But apparently they are going to go ahead and have the thing anyway. Some of the other IMAO bloggers are going to be there, sort of a consolation prize I guess.
Congratulations Frank and Sarah! Thanks for soldiering on without me.
Wedding Roundup:
Congratulations, you’re dead.
When Bloggers Marry