Operation Nuked Honeymoon

If you are interested in the events behind the allegedly faked honeymoon posts, go here.
Did I mention I hate America and am going out back to burn a flag?

Ask Dr. Duck- Post Holiday Edition

Hello Everyone,
I hope you enjoyed your holidays. It would be a shame to have people walking around in a bad mood – that’s my job!!!
Anyway, it’s time for our regular segment called…
Ask Dr. Duck.
I am here to provide spiritual nourishment, intellectual wisdom, and creative ways to use the word “doodie”.
What’s on your mind?
Post Holiday Blues? Girl/Boy trouble? Relationships? Angry relatives? Rabid weasels clawing at your door?
I can help. I’m certified in most states (okay – it’s in landscape design – but I’m certified – okay!!)
What’s on YOUR mind.
The Doctor is IN.