more wedding karaoke performances!


Carnival of Comedy Number XXXIII

The 33rd Carnival of Comedy is up at Right Wing Testimonial. but it’s not finished. He’s got some excuses:

    Computer trouble

I’ll add a fourth one:

    Slap pinky toe, Lazy

But he at least followed the rules. Anyway, it’s up even though it’s a work in progress.
Update: DONE!


According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy:

An estimated in one in 20 U.S. adults is not literate in English, which means 11 million people lack the skills to perform everyday tasks, a federal study shows. From 1992 to 2003, the nation’s adults made no progress in their ability to read a newspaper, a book or any other prose arranged in sentences and paragraphs. They also showed no improvement in comprehending documents such as bus schedules and prescription labels.

And now you know why we podcast.
(We’re still working on the version of IMAO you can eat… “IMAO’s – Now a complete part of this conservative breakfast!”)

Weasel-Related Link of the Day

Nothing grabs my attention like a line like this.

These days, it takes only one small and insignificant explosion to run (sic) your weasel experiments.

Rather funny weasel related humour (he’s British) foullouws at The Trouser Quandary Resolution .