According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy:
An estimated in one in 20 U.S. adults is not literate in English, which means 11 million people lack the skills to perform everyday tasks, a federal study shows. From 1992 to 2003, the nation’s adults made no progress in their ability to read a newspaper, a book or any other prose arranged in sentences and paragraphs. They also showed no improvement in comprehending documents such as bus schedules and prescription labels.
And now you know why we podcast.
(We’re still working on the version of IMAO you can eat… “IMAO’s – Now a complete part of this conservative breakfast!”)
We podcast?
I wonder how many of the 1-out-20 has graduated from high school?
I wonder how many have legal documentation.
Writing and Podcasting…. a double pronged attack. It reminds me why farts smell so bad. So the deaf can enjoy them too.
I r naut stoopid er nuthin, i no all bout lernin and bookz n stuff. I jest luk at th’ pitchers in th’ Noo Yourk Tymes n it lerns me gud nuff.
I voat fer demuhcratz cuz thay giv me muney when I drop outta skool.
-Lef T
“An estimated in one in 20 U.S. adults is not literate”
If you copied this exactly, they are NOT ones to be writing about literacy…”an estimated IN one in 20″?????
Skye, I was going to point out the same thing.
If 20 of us comment on this post, does that mean one of us is illiterate?
I am sure some graduated from high school. Some are not functional in English, some are developmentally disabled (they get diplomas in Ca. also) but many of these people can still function in areas where their home language is prevelent in society. I teach at a high school in rural El Centro, Ca. and pretty much that is what I see.
There is just something about ratios. For example one in 5 children in the world is Chinese.
I have 5 kids. I keep lookin at them and I still can’t figgur out which one it is.
One in 20?
Wow. That’s like – 20% or something.
That’s a lot of people who can’t read so good.
That can’t be right, according to the census, there are only 8.7 million people in New Jersey.
1 out of 20 would be 5%, Ducky. You should see what the wags say about American math scores. I kid
The Irony is that you posted this to inform those who CAN’T READ that there is the IMAudiO podcast. Exercise in futility?
The ones who can’t read are the democratic politicians, protestors, TV show hosts (who needs a teleprompter when you can just make it up?), etc., so your IMOA breakfast efforts would be wasted on them anyway.
It reminds me of this ad that a literacy organization keeps running. It says something like “Need Help Reading? Call ____ Literacy.” They keep running it in the newspaper.
I find this very likely. I take the bus to work (door to door service saving a 20 foot walk). And on a daily basis I see people standing in front of the back door of the bus waiting for it to open.
Said door has a large green arrow (pointing up at a green light just over the door) which says.
“Wave hand under green light to open door.”