What IMAO Bonus Prize should I offer?

Hi there. I’m your old friend, Laurence Simon.
But I’m not just one of FrankJ’s loyal minions here at IMAO. No, I’m much much more than that.
Some of you folks know that I run a rather sick and twisted blog (among several) called The Dead Pool. Players pick 15 people, famous or infamous, and they score points when those picks die. Until the picks die, well, the players need to blog about their entires (15 picks, 4 blog posts a year… 60 total posts) Prizes are awarded at the end of the year for the most points, but the real fun is in claiming topical bonus prizes for your picks when they croak.
For instance, the first pick to die on a Friday is eligible to fight in the post’s comments over a T.G.I Friday’s Gift Certificate. Isn’t that cute?
Anyway, I’ve been racking my brains (or braining my rack) trying to come up with a bonus prize that involves giving away an IMAO T-shirt (You know, the ones that the pretty Sarah K.J. Oh-Kay models over there in the right margin). But instead of racking my brains (or brainsing my rack) I figured I’d let y’all suggest the conditions of a bonus prize that would be worthy of one of those shirts.
I’d been thinking on the lines of “Any pick with all of the letters I M A O in their name” but I am sure you can come up with better.
Post your suggestions in the comments, and not only will I add the best bonus prize idea to the Dead Pool, but I’ll even buy a shirt for the person who suggested it. How’s them apples?
I figure I’ll want to post it on December 30th, so you have until December 30th to come up with an idea. Sound good?
(No, I haven’t checked with Kevin as to all the legal mumbo-jumbo for this thing, but I’m assuming that in his legal opinion, we’re all gay or something.)

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Coffee Card Contest Winner

Okay, in my arrogant opinion, here’s the best ideas for the Coffee Card Contest
3. RightWingConspirator: How about a contest for the best idea for a made up holiday (take THAT, Kwanzaa!)?
2. Sarasmom: How about a description of the most homoerotic thing you had to do to get into a fraternity…
And the winner is…
1. Jenno: Most revolting idea for a coffee flavor.
All excellent ideas, but I think that one is the best idea for a contest. I’ll be sending Jenno the code off of the gift card shortly.
Thanks to everyone that participated, and stay tuned next month for yet another pointless contest for your confusion and amusement.

ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho

this is an actual x-mas display in eastern North Dakota . . .
upon closer examination . . .

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