Late Night With FrankJ

I would just like to state for the record that at no time did FrankJ send coded messages through IMAO to hypnotize SarahK into marrying him and becoming a co-blogger. A restraining order would be completely without merit, and I am glad that the New Jersey judge has finally come to his senses by setting things right and refusing to issue that restraining order.
After much discussion and research, the other co-bloggers of IMAO have detected no sign of code words, gestures and eye expressions in FrankJ’s writing, although we assume that his obsession with ninjas, nuking the moon, and monkeys may be the sign of some sort of mistreatment by circus clowns during his upbringing. (But then, who wasn’t molested by circus clowns?)
As for the threat to break the legs of any of FrankJ’s representatives who attempt to come near her, I’d just like to say that Harvey is expected to be able to walk again after a few months of physical therapy.


  1. I nominate that lady for the 2008 Democratic Presisdential Nomination. She espouses all of their core values. Nuisance lawsuits, a persecution complex, and if she is batty enough to believe that load of tripe, she certainly can swallow the party line that Democrats are the champions of the little guy.
    Plus, with her on the ticket, Condi would be a lock!

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