. . . but this is where I’ve been spending all my time during my honeymoon . . .
No, not for THAT reason. Sadly, and I do mean SADLY! Since leaving port yesterday, I’ve had near constant sea sickness. I get motion sickness from riding the merry-go-round, so I’m not particularly surprised. In addition to the motion of the ocean, I the mighty Frank J may have been felled by some sushi I had for dinner last night in one of the ship restaurants . . .this stuff may not be fully cooked!
It was delicious (the first time I tasted it anyway). I’ve left the content of my stomach on three separate decks so far. SarahK wouldn’t even hold my hair! Said the she was afraid of the domino puke effect and I was a ‘mighty sicky Mr. Wonderpuke” [Sigh] Married bliss. I’m green, so all I need now is a killer sunburn and I’ll look like a something something Christmas ornament.
Ah, the life of the sea!
I hope no one gave you two a waterbed as a wedding gift.
Get some ginger pills from the ship’s doctor, ship’s store, or the next port (verified as effective by “MythBusters”).
Take some Dramamine!!! It’s a miracle drug (I vomit on winding roads, wild rides, airplanes….). Take my word for it!
And here I though you got nauseated by looking at that upholstery.
I immediatly thought of the Mythbusters ginger pill remedy. Dramamine will make you dopey.
Get the ginger, get rid of the pukies, GET YOUR FREAK ON, FRANKY BABY!
I don’t want to see anymore posts from you until you get back. Is that perfectly clear?
So Aquaman has super powers that surpass your own?
This may sound kind of silly, and maybe its just a psychological thing, but I’ve always found that stickier foods like peanut butter covered things or such tend to stay down easier. I doubt you’ll find much peanut butter on a boat, but hey ise your imagination. And try to focus on the horizon if you get seasick above decks, that sometimes helps too.
I hope you get over the seasickness soon. You deserve to enjoy your honeymoon, (and so does Sarah.)
Plus, there’s nothing quite as delicious as the food they serve on cruise ships.
Oh, and STOP POSTING! Relax and enjoy your honeymoon!
heh! enjoy your honeymoon, indeed!
ginger is good for nausea, as is fresh peppermint.
club soda can also make you feel better.
awwwwwe, poor sick Frank J.
stick to small portions of cooked food stuffs, if you get your appetite back.
Hate to be the bearer of worse (?) news… Have you checked out the website banner lately? I think someone left the latch undone on the monkey cage… Hope you get feeling better.
It’s the sushi ninjas I tell you. They’re after you!
You don’t need no stinkn’ cures! Just climb up to the highest point on the ship, look out and watch the horizon as it moves back and forth up and down, until you can’t stand it any longer, then scream at the top of your lungs, “I’m king of the world!” Then let loose! The crew will then take you to a little padded room way down in the bottom of the ship — a place that doesn’t move — where you can ride out the rest of your trip, eating nice safe bread and drinking pure water. Plus since your now married, you’ll get congical (sp?) visits; ah congical visits, Hmmmmm.
Know how it feels, or doesn’t, Frank.
My wedding night didn’t happen for three days because she screwed her back up pouring herself into the wedding dress. It took a chiropractic visit the following Tuesday before all systems were go for launch.
Now before this magic moment is over, go to the front of the boat and go “I’m KING OF THE WORHHhhhhuubhhhaaaa!!!” or the back and throw “The heart of the ocean” into the briny deep. If you aren’t quite up to it, think of that f*king Titanic song again.
Two Words: Boo Nine
Two Words: Bow Nine as in Bonine.
Never got seasick in my life, had been in all kinds of boats, fishing, waterskiing, etc. UNTIL I took my oldest son on his first ocean fishing trip. We went out off the Jersey shore and hit some Blues. It was awesome … for a while.
Anyway, as I was sitting there holding my head, my son was watching the guy who cleans the fish. He was having so much fun because he’d just name an organ and the fish-cleaner guy would cut it out and hand it to him. Next thing I know, I’m starting to feel a little better and my son shoves and eyeball in front of me, “Hey Dad, look at this!!!” BWAHHHHHHHH!!!!