Poor Vice President Cheney. I can understand all of his pent up frustration. I strongly recommend that we invade another country immediately — otherwise, Dick’s going to start running out of friends.
As you know, on Saturday, the Vice President was out hunting with a small group. One of the party members, Harry Whittington, a lawyer from Texas, was accidentally shot by the VP.
Fortunately, because of his heart condition, the VP travels with a doctor, a nurse, and an ambulance. This was good news for Mr. Whittington. I remember that Bill Clinton used to travel with his own necessary supplies: a Barry White CD, a bottle of wine, and a French Maid Outfit.
With all of the press coverage — we have to ask ourselves — What Exactly Did Mr. Cheney Say when he realized he shot somebody in his hunting party.
The Top Ten Things Dick Cheney Said After the Shooting
10. Are you SURE it’s not lawyer season?
9. Ha — that’ll teach you to stop chasing my ambulance.
8. I nicked him. Do I still get a prize?
7. Okay, guys. Hold him down and check him for WMDs.
6. Walk it off, you wimp.
5. One more try — this time I’ll give you a head start.
4. Didn’t you to say you wanted to be an embedded lawyer?
3. It’s an emergency! We better call FEMA.
2. Sure I missed him. But look at my shot grouping.
And the number one thing Dick Cheney said when he accidentally shot somebody while hunting–
1. Hey, if he dies — do I get to become president?
Some things happen that are just too much fun. This is one of them.
I wish Mr. Whittington a speedy a recovery.
UDATE: At RWD, I have the list of the Top Things You’d NEVER hear VP Cheney say!
So, was the Cheney/Scalia hunting trip really a conflict-of-interest, as some have said, or a narrow escape for Scalia.
Leftists spend their energy attacking a man who has no political future. I am not sure what they are thinking. Of course, leftists do have a difficult time with that whole thinking/reason thing.
The Oracle
When I heard somebody was shot in a hunting accident and Cheney was involved, I thought Cheney was shot and the first thought I had was, “Woo-hoo, here’s the excuse for Cheney to step down and Condi to become VP”.
If Bush were really a machiavellian mastermind, that will happen by late 2006-early 2007 as you will need the clips of the Dems going into a racist frenzy over Condi “white on” Rice’s nomination hearings for her presidential campaign.
Man, Condi would be the ultimate candidate.
Because all of the lip-service civil rights, give blacks equal opportunity, put a woman in the white house group would HAVE to vote her in or have it made GLARINGLY obvious that they are the worlds biggest hypocrites.
Next to the House of Saud that is.
“You go hunting with the rifle you’ve got.”