People who support abortion do everything they can to not actually talk about the issue. The most popular is using the word “choice” instead of ever saying “abortion.” Now, I see a lot of people charging that the only reason people are against abortion is because they want to control women (which allows them to just say, “Well, I don’t need to debate them; they’re just a bunch of women-haters.”). Kevin Drum, a liberal who usually approaches issues with some intelligence, has decided to be a nimrod about abortion and taken this now popular stance.
So the question is, if abortions supporters do so much mental gymnastics to avoid talking about or debating abortion, is that because they feel it’s murder and don’t want to talk about it?
No, it’s because… uhm… er… you’re a faceist that hates women!
It’s easy being a liberal(tm)
It would be simple to solve this matter. Everyone should go and watch an abortion happen. Then (after the nurse has counted the arms and legs and thrown the “fetus” in the trash) we can have an intelligent debate about it since we will all have seen one.
You might be on to something there, Frank. You woman-hating neanderthal, you.
we will too debate a woman’s right to choose.. its just… that….BUSH… ILLEGAL WAR!.. ARGGHH
Bush lied people died!
Um….they support the “right” to suck the brains out of little tiny babies…The question to your question is, do they actually “feel” anything??? (oh wait…tell them you’re going to do it to puppies & they might)
Why does the “choice” in “Pro-Choice” never mention anything about the “choice” of having sex, or, or, or, NOT having sex?
They should really start calling it the “right to sex without consequences” movement.
Oh yeah, and according to that chart, I must REALLY hate women….ALOT!
I like how LaShawn Barber said it on her site one day. I’m paraphrasing here, but she said the “life begins at birth” argument is ridiculous because “the beginning of life is not determined by geography”
That might have been the DUMBEST analysis of the abortion issue..EVER! Or at least since Sandra Day O’Connor’s last opinion on the subject.
Yeah, Kev, that’s it: sex with women sux and is evil. Maybe that says more about Kevin Drum than it does anyone against abortion.
“They should really start calling it the “right to sex without consequences” movement.”
Splanky, I couldn’t have said it better… this is exactly what is happening. They want to do whatever they want, without fear of consequences, and then say we are hate-mongers for saying otherwise.
My sister has a severe heart condition… If she became pregnant, there is absolutely no way at all that she could survive childbirth. Not with drugs, or surgery, etc etc. It would be a death sentence. So I guess she shouldn’t have sex with her husband in the remote chance she gets pregnant, hmm?
Teenage mentality: If it’s something you want to get away with yourself, then it is not murder. Oh, and some ‘mommy and daddy’ i.e. the government should pay for it. Just like they should spend billions to ‘cure’ AIDS so the children can be stupid about sex. Whiny little brats. Someone should point out that AIDS would stop dead in its tracks if everyone suddenly adopted monogomy. Maybe those religious types had a valid reason?? Hmmm?
//So I guess she shouldn’t have sex with her husband in the remote chance she gets pregnant, hmm?//
Yeah, it’s that simple Aaron. If she wants to avoid the risk she should avoid sex…surely her life is more important than a 30 second orgasm?
And Frank, does Sarah know what a woman-hating neanderthal you are? Has she punched you lately to put you in this mindset?
If the women who make “choices” are going to be that stupid, then they should have their entire reproductive system removed so they don’t ever have to worry about getting pregnant again, as they are obviously too selfishly engrossed in themselves to ever be parents.
If her heart is that weak, maybe sex isn’t such a good idea to begin with, Aaron…
Wanna have some fun? Go to a pro-choice rally with a “Pro-Death” sign & watch the hype begin in earnest.
Aaron: It’s called “tubal ligation,” or if her condition can’t handle that, “vasectomy.” Look it up. Abortion as birth control can’t be too healthy for someone with a heart condition either.
Oh, and by the way, many people who are opposed to abortion on demand support abortions to save the mother’s life.
According to the Gutmacher Institute (the research arm of Planned Parenthood), an abortion is ten times safer than when it was illegal, but abortion is now ten times more frequent than when illegal.
So ten percent times a thousand percent – the number of women injured/killed by abortions is 100 percent what it was when they were illegal. So who were they saving, exactly, with this whole “legal and safe” thing?
Other than abortion, the vast majority of us don’t particularly care what you do with your own body. For all I care you can put a tattoo on your foreheads, pierce every inch of your body and have a doctor surgically graft flippers on to the sides of your neck. I won’t necessarily invite you to hang out with my family, but I’ll support your right to do it. Where pro-lifers differ from pro-choicers in this respect is in whether or not a fetus counts as a part of the woman’s body or as a separate entity. It may not be an independent and self-sustaining human being yet, but in our view it is human and is entitled to have some rights as well. We don’t see it as taking your rights away as much as we want to give rights to more people, in this case unborn babies.
//My sister has a severe heart condition… If she became pregnant, there is absolutely no way at all that she could survive childbirth. //
Another thing Aaron, it was pretty selfish of your sister to go and get married knowing she shouldn’t risk becoming pregnant and if her numbwit hubby is too stupid to use condoms, he probably shouldn’t have gotten married either.
Well said, Frostwulf.
Seriously, why don’t you pro-lifers support our troops?
Why do you hate the military?
I mean if the termination of multiplying cells(abortion) is murder, then surley carpet bombing a whole town is like murder(2) squared.
So, pro lifers, please stop giving comfort to the terrorists, and support our troops.
Just think how many people would be alive today if G.W. Bush had been aborted.
Oh yeah, pull out George like your father should have.
I’ve decided to quit using the term “abortion” at all, and I now just use the word “infanticide.” It really shocks people. It’s fun – let’s all try it.
I’ve decided to quit using the term “abortion” at all, and I now just use the word “infanticide.” It really shocks people. It’s fun – let’s all try it.
Just think how much larger our army would be today if it hadn’t been for the last 30 years worth of abortions.
And I’m not sure how carpet bombing the enemy = hating our military or giving comfort to terrorists. Hmm. Are your two brain cells knocking into each other at all? Are you just stupid? (And as a side node for the ignorant, the US hasn’t “carpet bombed” anything since Vietnam. We learned to use precision guided munitions so that we didn’t waste any explosives.)
Nite-nite, stylus. I think you just need a nap. Sleep deprivation oftens results in confusion.
every single day i wake up and kiss my little boy – the one they told me i “had to abort or i would not survive”. your sister, if she really feels that she is more important than any baby she might have, should have surgery to prevent it from happening. then she wouldnt have to kill a baby, period.
//My sister has a severe heart condition… If she became pregnant, there is absolutely no way at all that she could survive childbirth. //
My Grandmother was told the same thing. Not once, but eight times. After each one of her children. You know, doctors aren’t God — they don’t know everything. When doctors are at least as accurate as your local meteorologist, then maybe your argument “the doctor’s say she can’t survive childbirth” will actually carry some weight.
//My sister has a severe heart condition… If she became pregnant, there is absolutely no way at all that she could survive childbirth. Not with drugs, or surgery, etc etc. It would be a death sentence. So I guess she shouldn’t have sex with her husband in the remote chance she gets pregnant, hmm?//
In other words, when faced with either murder or abstaining from sex, you favor murder?
Why is it that hippies are for abortion yet against the death penalty (a senseless fact they loudly voice). Isn’t the opposite just plain common sense? A murderer / rapist / pervert has already destroyd several lives and if you string him up a tree, the chances are next to none that they’ll be able to do it again…that’s paying for the actions they chose. A fetus has not yet had a chance to live; it is compleatly inocent. A fetus hasn’t destroyed anyone’s life. Contrary to the sniveling of the “mother & father” that don’t want it, it’s the parents that have “ruined” their life by choosing neither abstenance nor “protection”. There is an alternitive…adoption! This just proves my theory that the basis of liberalism is all about doing anything without dealing with the concequences nor responsabiliy.
Wolfman Dan, believe it or not I’ve the mirror of that argument used to show the ‘hypocrisy’ of pro-life.
I have read several articles regarding the Roe Effect, that indicate, that the majority of those that have committed pre-birth infanticide are liberals. This would seem to indicate that the more this heinous act occurs, the fewer liberals there will be in the future. The asshats are killing off their voting base!
//The asshats are killing off their voting base! //
I would believe this except that the liberals run the school systems and try to teach our babies to grow up to be asshats. The Blue state teachers are the worst, they are quick to tell you that your whiny conservative kid is attention deficiet and get him/her on life threatening drugs as soon as possible.
Carpet bomb, willie pete, flinging disease infected cows over castle walls, whatever the preferred method of mass extinction. I just love the inconsistency of the so called “cristians” who salivate over the life of dirty sinful baby(gods words not mine) over those of a people who are clearly more devoted to god then any B.S. baptist.
I favor all methods of death myself, abortion, war, death penalty, bird flu, whatever keeps the devs. from cutting the trees in my backyard to make room for more McMansions.
P.S. AlanBBQ, their is more then enough pride in my pants, so stop sweating my nuts, troll.
Didn’t I see an article complaining that Bush speaks in “straw man” terms?
Well, that chart is one straw man after another. I oppose exceptions for rape and incest. I fail to see what protecting the mother from legal consequences has to do with whether or not its murder. Rather, if its murder, and she’s complicit, then she’s a … what? Abortion and sex ed? Are you kidding me? Partial birth abortion bans are only characterized by the pro-abortion crowd as bans on abortion, and not what they are; bans on a particular form of abortion. Welfare and abortion? Wuh? HPV vaccine? They’re really grasping here. And, just for the record, YES, I HAVE MORALLY CONDEMNED THOSE WHO SHOOT, FIREBOMB, OR WHATEVER, ABORTIONISTS OR ABORTION CLINICS.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Now, is it a baby or not?
Well, apparently someone has commited murder on Stylus’ keyboard. That must explain the lack of clarity, punctation, grammar, a point,….
I’m a bit confused about Stylus myself. He keeps calling me a troll, but I’m clearly more of an ogre. Also, there’s a reference to his “balls” & “enough pride in his pants”. Maybe he’s wearing a pair of Al-Quds.
Just a reminder, stylus: If you want to get someone riled, phrases like ‘stop sweating my balls’, ‘my dick is bigger that yours’, or ‘my dad can beat up your dad’ aren’t very effective. Just take a nap & try again tomorrow, kiddo.
Aaron – if the situation is really so severe, your sister should have her tubes tied. Then she can have sex with her husband and not worry about childbirth or an abortion risking her life. (Abortion is invasive surgery you know. Perfectly healthy women die from it.)
“Bush lied, people died.”
NOW lied, babies died.
The question is what is worse in a leftie’s mind? A woman hating fascist or a baby hating fascist? Obviously it seems to be the former, but it’s amazing how phrasing things certain ways can change people’s perceptions.