On Thursday, March 23rd Steve The Pirate will be hosting Carnival of Comedy #47 at his self titled blog. It’s always “talk like a pirate day” when Steve is around.. Even when he’s not talking in the traditional pirate dialect, Steve’s still talking like a pirate because he IS a pirate.
Future Carnival Schedule:
Want to host? Email me at spacemonkey@imao.us with “Host Carnival Of Comedy” as the subject.
Want to enter? Go here, or here.
I call this meeting of TALON to order.
Captain Platypus, commander of the Midwestern legions of TALON, present and accounted for.
So what do we do next? I’m thinking we need a mission statement and a kick ass color scheme.
I’m thinking a deep blue and either a light gray or charcoal gray
Mission Statement: TALON is devoted to crushing those who would oppose it and also to providing the highest return on investment for our stockholders by being the low cost, high quality leader of fascist support services in the markets we are positioned to serve as well as any anything else we deem worthy of doing.
I like the charcoal gray, with the optional eyepatch.