McKinney meets Dylan

After being told about Cynthia McKinney’s demonstration of her support for the Capitol Hill Police, House Speaker Dennis Hastert asks:

“How many officers would have to be punched before it becomes a big deal?”

Um… er…
Wait a second.
How many officers would have to be punched
Before it becomes a big deal?
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind.
The answer is blowing in the wind.

Holy crap. It works.

(Next week, we try to rewrite the Beatles classic “The Fool On The Hill” to honor Representative McKinney)


  1. “If a bear took a McKinney in the woods, would anyone hear?”
    They say the pope McKinneys in the woods.
    We could find out… drop her off in the woods, cover her ass with honey and blow a bear whistle.

  2. This woman is such a butthead, and in her idiocy has made three groups; women, politicians, and black (or people of color if you’re picky) look idiotic with her assinine behavior.
    Knowing some PART of my taxes goes to pay this dunderhead’s salary makes me sick and disgusted. Times like this I wish alien kidnappers would take requests.

  3. If there are alien kidnappers, I’d be willing to get the list together for them to go to the dnc convention.
    Shoot, they’d be happy to have some new faces at the convention….
    Hi-i-i…I’m Te-e-e-d. What’s yer, ah…hic…name?

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