John Hawkins has lists of favorite blog of different Congressmen. Notice which blog is missing from all the lists?
If only everyone read IMAO, I’m sure we’d have world peace in no time.
John Hawkins has lists of favorite blog of different Congressmen. Notice which blog is missing from all the lists?
If only everyone read IMAO, I’m sure we’d have world peace in no time.
I have found that the trick to getting people to read is to block them from reading it.
Let’s add the following lines to .htaccess
deny from
deny from
Then when they see they’re blocked, they will REALLY want to read us.
Wow, there’s a blog called “Expose the Left”. I don’t think I want to see any naked Democrats…
especially not teddy
And certainly not Teddy in a teddy…
I can think of two….first one is certainly IMAO and the second Red Sky