merree crismus!

merree crismus dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues! i hav a present for u.
cum close so i can giv u present.
closer for present.
cum close.

dat is wut i tink uv ur dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jue holeeday! hope u enjoy it not able to see an covered in poo!
time is almost up for u dum stoopids! no dat next yeer cum ur doom! enjoy peece wile it last for soon ur eyeballs ar mine! all my munkee freends weel soon take over an breeng back reel merica dat noes de consteetooshun say dat ur eyeballs ar for eeting!
hope u enjoy ur present uv ur eyeballs turned too poo dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues! i made it myself!
ron paul 08

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  1. Hmm, I don’t mean to be a downer, but I think we need to come up with something new for Mr. Monkey to say. We’ve overused “I EET UR EYEBALLS AN TURN DEM INTO POO AN THROW DA POO AT U!!!”
    …NEW IMAO CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. HA HA HA! Here stupid monkey, meet and eat my 12 ga! BOOM! NO MORE MONKEY! Now let’s get ready for GODZILLA AND globull warming. I think the globull warming scam has been debunked. It didn’t get above 50 degrees today and I’m in TEXAS! What happened to globull warming? I WANT MY 90 DEGREES BACK!

  3. Unfortunately, Spacemonkey, I do not share that fear. Most likely it has to do with the fact that I wear fairly nice glasses all the time, therefore I do not think that the monkey will be able to get past them. With that being said, here are my ideas for new sayings for the monkey (adjust the spelling, capitalization, and grammar at will):
    “I will pull your hair out and make a nest.”
    “I will eat your intestines and poop your pooper on you.”
    “I will steal your gun and shoot your privates.”
    “I will scream in your ear and poop where your eardrum was.”
    “I will bite your nose/ear off and throw the poop at where your nose/ear was.”
    “I will give you the AIDS virus.”
    “I will throw Ron Paul’s poop at you.”
    What do you guys think? Do they need more work?
    Charon Blackpowder.

  4. #8 – Posted by: Writer on December 26, 2007 11:49 AM
    Other than the idea of using DU for inspiration, I’m afraid that I’ve already mentioned that, AND offered alternatives. Still, you got any that you could think of?
    Charon Blackpowder.

  5. This year for New Years Dinner we will be serving
    Monkey tartar as an appetizer, followed by Money eye soup. For the main course there will be Monkey Kidney souffle, and Monkey eye casserole, with green beans and glazed carrots.
    Dessert will be chocolate cake (cause I love chocolate cake). The only part of this monkey I couldn’t use was it’s brain. I couldn’t find it, I looked and looked.
    Next year we will be serving Troll fricassee.

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