I am now in the new IMAO headquarters in Boise, Idaho, and expect to return to regular posting tomorrow. I’m not sure who this concerns, but post times will still be Eastern time for continuity sake. I have two In My Worlds™ and a number of other posts brewing in my head I’m dying to get out there, so hopefully it will be fun. A lot of stuff has been happening the past two weeks and I’m tired of not getting my word in. We do have a president to pick, and it’s our American duty to make sure he kicks ass (and is a he).
Thanks to all the IMAO bloggers who kept things going while I’m gone with special thanks to Spacemonkey for doing research into more Fred Thompson facts and to Harvey for his always solid blogging (which will continue, of course). Also, I plan to get back to more Ronin Profiles and will probably have a open casting again tomorrow.
Did any of you hear the rumor about one of the Idaho Senators? Man, I hope that’s not true. Anyway, if any of you know much about Idaho politics tell me, because I plan to be here a while I want to get involved in local politics so I can run for something some day. My brother has some connections here, but he’s heading off to Iraq again. He’s always in Iraq when I actually have use for him.