Nothing makes John Edwards laugh harder than procotologist jokes with the punchline “that’s not my finger”, since it actually happens to him every visit.
Archive of entries posted on 24th December 2007
I Fear Ron Paul
I just realized that the reason I make fun of Ron Paul is that, being a neocon, I secretly fear him and know I’m in trouble when him and his supporters inevitably take over. When Ron Paul wins the nomination (which I know will happen though I pretend to believe the poll numbers that the media use to try and marginalize Ron Paul and his supporters), I know that will be the end of me when the Americans turn on me and the rest of my neocon friends.
Also, he has the neo-Nazis and Twoofers behind him, and them guys is scary.
Happy Story for Christmas
American GI adopts disabled Iraqi kid.
Being that the GI is single and Iraq doesn’t allow foreigners to adopt, it was quite an ordeal. Make sure to take some time to read it and remember how lucky we are.
(hat tip Hot Air)
Ron Paul: Crank Isolationist or Just Plain Crank?
So Ron Paul not only wants to immediately pull troops out of Iraq, he wants to remove troops from every single foreign country such as Germany and Japan. He also wants to remove them from Hawaii just to be on the safe side.
Apparently Ron Paul also has a big bone to pick with President Lincoln and spent time on Meet the Press denouncing him. Ron Paul sure knows how to pick his battles. He really is cranktastic; I expect after this is all over he’ll live in shack in the middle of the woods with a bunch of canned food and muttering to himself. Probably the woods in Canada, because Ron Paul sure hates America (have you even seen a liberal denounce America and its actions this much?).
So what do you think Ron Paul will spend all his campaign millions on? I’m guessing gold and then his people will try to form their own country on a platform floating in the Gulf of Mexico.
Daily Fred Thompson Fact
Fred Thompson will be spending Christmas Eve this year the same as he traditionally does: Managing a crisis at Washington Dulles International Airport.
(research help from Jim Geraghty)