Every time he watches Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer, John Edwards thinks, “No, Clarice, that scruffy studmuffin Yukon Cornelius is the one who’s ‘cute’.”
Archive of entries posted on 25th December 2007
merree crismus!
merree crismus dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues! i hav a present for u.
cum close so i can giv u present.
closer for present.
cum close.
Daily Fred Thompson Fact
Merry Christmas – Open Thread
Been a while since we had an open thread. So as a Christmas gift to you, loyal IMAOans, Here’s one.
Hope the day finds each of you well and happy and warm and fed.
Political meanderings aside. This does seem to be the time of year that each of us is not only encouraged, but expected to do the right thing. To forgive, to give, to accept, to share, to love, to welcome and to include.
Really, what’s nicer than that?