Ronin Profile: Lazlo


Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Lazlo.

What’s the story behind your name? I am an illustrator/cartoonist; I Googled my name one day to see if any imposters lurked around the Gore-osphere. Imagine my horror upon finding a ‘movie actor’ with the exact same name. This ‘actor’ was doing rude things to all the other ‘actors’ on the first website I came across. I
Lazlo needed a new name pronto.
I used to go walking with a girl who had a dog that was half coyote, half God-knows-what, and I re-named it Lazlo because it had eyes that were yellow and scary to look upon. I took that name because I want my eyes to be yellow and scary to look upon.
Where do you live? I live in Camp Verde Arizona, about 30 miles from Sedona (just far enough away to escape the New Age vapors that plague those who reside there).
How old are you? This is Lazlo’s fiftieth winter
Tell us briefly about yourself. I grew up in LA, went to art school, got semi-famous in a Psychedelic band in the 80’s. Quit that crap, and moved to Arizona after my eleventh liberal girlfriend (AD 1990). I have since become a building inspector. I now go out with women that will cut you if you don’t behave.
How long have you been reading IMAO? I have visited every day (except St. Dennis’ Day) since I first saw the site about a year ago.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? Fred Thompson Facts! You had me at ‘Objects at rest better get moving.’
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? Hot. Buttery. Goodness.
What’s your favorite political issue? My favorite thing to think about is the sublime and transcendent hideousness of SHE-who-must-be-destroyed.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. I had a blog called El Bloggo Lazlo on but my awesome life in the crapper precludes posting a lot.
What are better: Bears or wolves? I like Bears. A bear will dismantle your car for a Fig Newton. That is the spirit of enterprise!

To be in the running for this, make sure you commented in the last post asking for entrants. Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.

The Worst Debate in Western History

Mary Katharine Ham has a remixed version of the Iowa debate (of which it’s awfulness only further highlighted how awesome Fred Thompson is).
She also seems to be getting swept up in the Fredmentum (yes, all of Fred Thompson’s answers to the AP questionnaires are awesome). There seem to be a number of blogs coming out with endorsements today, so I am now announcing that tomorrow IMAO will make it’s official endorsement of a candidate. “Who?” you may ask; well, you’ll have to wait for tomorrow to find out. And an endorsement is such a serious thing that I decided to draw an illustration to make my argument.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards is still waiting for someone to invent a machine that will remove peanut skins so that his fingertips won’t get cut to ribbons any more.

LEAKED! Script to Mike Huckabee’s Next Ad: “Hello, How Are You?”

Many Bothan spies died to bring us this script.

“Hello, How Are You?”
Written by me, Mike Huckabee
Setting: Wide pan of that room where I put all the stuff I took from the governer’s mansion.
Voice over: “I’m Mike Huckabee and I endorse this message.” While I look thoughtfully at the big round thing with all the countries on it, that turns.
Transition to close up of my face as I am now I’m seated on a stack of hard drives and servers.
“I’m running for President, I want to tell you something. I want to tell you Hello. And how are you doing?
[pause, make puppy dog eyes]
[serious] Many people say it as a empty meaningless platitude.
[shake head, sadly] and are indifferent to any response they get. [earnest] But I truly DO mean it, from the depths of my eternal soul.
I’ll say it again, Hello. How are YOU doing?
[pause for it to sink in that I emphasized, YOU]
[confident, chins up] When I am president, Americans will again mean it when THEY say it. [pound fist on something]
By law. Yes you will then be bound by federal ordinace to listen and nod empathetically as those you have greeted provide a litany of perceived grievances or blessings. When they are finished you will, in turn, provide them with your personal litany of perceived grievances or blessings and they will be bound to listen and empathize as well.
That’s what a hello is all about. [earnest eyes] By meaning and listening,
[wide motion with hands, broad smile at “better place”]
we will all make America a better place.
Again I’m Mike Huckabee, Hello. How are you doing? Have a nice day. [nod] And I mean that too. [smile, wink]”
Voice Over: Just like Jesus, Mike Huckabee loves you. He’s not afraid of the hard questions.

Confused? Reference: this Ad by Mike.

IMAO Blocked!

I’ve gotten word that some company that blocks web sites for businesses, Websense, has blocked IMAO. The reason? “Racism and Hate” and “Sex”.
And according to a reader they don’t even block the hate and vulgarity smörgåsbord Daily Kos. Come on! The hate in one of their Recommended Diaries surpasses the entire history of IMAO plus the next five closest blogs.
Anyway, I hear Websense helps the Chinese government hunt down and kill political dissidents who try to access information about democracy on the net, so maybe their morality compass is a little off.
I wonder how many readers this affects? And any idea on how to fight it? I’m leaning towards “ignore it” because that sounds easiest. The other option would be for you, the readers, to come up with examples of how you’ve used IMAO for work purposes to prove this site shouldn’t be blocked.
I’ve gotten reports that IMAO may no longer be blocked. If that’s true, then Websense is a great company and the comment about China was out of line. I’m sure they just block child porn for them or something.

Most Awesome Video Ever

From John Hawkins:

Now if only that could get air time in Iowa.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

The snowman Fred Thompson made last winter defeated Godzilla.