Mary Katharine Ham has a remixed version of the Iowa debate (of which it’s awfulness only further highlighted how awesome Fred Thompson is).
She also seems to be getting swept up in the Fredmentum (yes, all of Fred Thompson’s answers to the AP questionnaires are awesome). There seem to be a number of blogs coming out with endorsements today, so I am now announcing that tomorrow IMAO will make it’s official endorsement of a candidate. “Who?” you may ask; well, you’ll have to wait for tomorrow to find out. And an endorsement is such a serious thing that I decided to draw an illustration to make my argument.
Hmm… I wonder who IMAO might end up endorsing. /sarc
Can the blogosphere pleeeeeeeeeeeease be the mainstream now?
McCain? Edwards? No… I know, Hucakabee!!
It’s Ron Paul. There’s no way that guy wouldn’t get an endorsement from all the internets.
Not only will Frank stun us all with his choice of Ron Paul, but he will also endorse Dennis Kookcinich as his running mate.
I’ve been reading IMAO for a little over a year, so I know of what I speak when I say Frank will endorse RON PAUL
You’re all wrong-
Frank’s firmly in the Nader column.
All you Romulans…translation…”Homos”…shall experience the power of the IMAO endorsement tomorrow as Fred explodes in the polls!
You’re all wrong, again!
FrankJ will be pimpin’ the cool stylings of my main man, Alan Keyes!
So, break it on down!
Put your fist in the air!
Lemme hear ya shout, “w00t, w00t, w00t!”
Gotta go with who Fred endorsed: Martin Sheen for Prez!
Uh… Frank?
Your site is now showing ads for Ron Paul (RON PAUL RON PAUL RON PAUL), specifically to a site called “”… well, at least they got half of it right.
Here’s the URL that leads to it:
Ron Paul ads have been showing up on IMAO for a long time.
I can’t wait for the Ron Paul endorsement. The t-shirts will be great. “Fun Facts About Ron Paul” will definitely be a hit.
Ooooh! An illustration! The only thing that could make tomorrow better than one of FrankJ’s illustrations is my idiot boss falling down the stairs while I’m watching, but while there are witnesses that I didn’t push him.
I’m guessing the Hildebeest, myself.
Tomorrow, Father Frank will confess to being a longtime Fredophile. Can The Church of The Immaculate Mother of All Opinions survive the scandal?
Do you people actually like Fred Thompson or is just a running gag that this blog is in love with Fred? I hope it is all a big joke and you people are not serious. If it is a joke it sure is a good one!!
#15 – Posted by: Starfish on December 18, 2007 11:22 PM
Yes we support Fred! and yes its all a big joke. The two aren’t opposed. See, when your views make sense, you can make fun of yourself.
Any guesses on what stick figure attribute will mean ‘Fred Thompson’?
I would guess a Tasmanian devil cyclone for the attribute.