Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards would like to see a more tolerant and open-minded America. One where people will be judged by the content of their character and not whether they wear white shoes after Labor Day like degenerate inbreds.

You Might Be a Fredhead If…

I was thinking that maybe some people should be Fred Thompson supporters but aren’t. It’s crazy. Maybe they just believe they have to support a candidate who is teh suck and don’t know they have any other choice. So I was thinking I could make a list so that people could realize they really are Fred Thompson supporters and might just not know it yet.
You might be a Fredhead if…
…you blame America last.
…you kinda like it when terrorists are made uncomfortable.
…you think that today’s serious foreign policy issues will take more than hillbilly charm and naiveté to handle.
…you suspect the Iran might actually be up to something.
…you prefer movies where American troops are the good guys.
…you think a Senate majority leader who constantly tells us how things are doomed while a war is still ongoing needs a good bitch-slapping.
…you think it’s great if a murderer finds God, but that doesn’t mean he should be let out of prison.
…you think America’s sovereignty is kinda important.
…you think anyone who talks about how the rich aren’t “paying their fair share” is a whiny little Communist.
…”great hair” is low on your list of presidential requirements.
…you think someone didn’t draw those border lines on a map just for fun.
…call you crazy, but you’d prefer a presidential candidate who actually shares your conservative views.
…you think it’s time someone did something about the hippies.
…you’d like Osama bin Laden’s next video to be him pleading, “Someone please help me!” before he’s pummeled on screen by the U.S. president.
Well, that’s what I came up with so far. If you have some other ways people could tell they might be a Fredhead, put them in the comments.
Do it now!

Who Does Huckabee Remind You Of?

Ever since people started paying more attention to Huckabee, he’s been a part of some unflattering comparisons. First, people called him George W. Bush with more charisma, and the phony charisma got him compared to Bill Clinton. Then a look at his foreign policy ideas got him compared to Jimmy Carter. Later he was compared to Howard Dean because people think he’d do for our party what Howard Dean would have done for the Democrats if they nominated that nut. Then I saw one guy compare him to Michael Dukakis… maybe just to be mean. And now there’s a comparison to Jesse Jackson for his blatant use of identity politics.
I think Huckabee reminds me most of Gomer Pyle. I always expect him to respond to an attack in a debate with, “Shazam!” Who does Huckabee remind you of?
I should not that Chuck Norris has been caught in the crossfire here and been compared to Oprah.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Every single blog has endorsed Fred Thompson that isn’t secretly run by Communists.