Fun Trivia

What’s Luke Cage’s nickname for the Human Torch?

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Support Our Troops by Gloating

With the surge working so well that even Murtha couldn’t completely deny it, I think we need some sort of slogan to gloat about it to the enemies of the U.S. and Iraq — the Democrats. Here’s a few I came up with:
The Surge Is Working and Democrats Are Homos!
Suck It, Terrorists and Democrats!
Mission Extra Accomplished!

If anyone can come up with a good one, I’ll give you high praise.
Democrats are banking on that, though they must admit to military success, they can still call the war a failure because of lack of political success. That’s not going to happen, though. If there’s one thing Americans don’t care about, it’s politics in other countries. As far as we know, Canada doesn’t even have a government.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards’s aerobic workout consists of tying BOTH his shoelaces.
He’s worked himself up to the point now where he can do it without a water break.


Harvey’s beheading is scheduled for noon tomorrow. Afterwards will be a pot luck lunch. Bring the whole family!

Just Checking Something

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Jesus Bear
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Jesus Dog
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Jesus Cat
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Jesus Mouse
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Jesus Moose
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Jesus Chicken

The broads at The View seem to think this post will make Christians flip out like crazed Sudanese Muslims.
Personally, I think it’ll make ’em go “awwwww… how CUTE!”
“Uh… ok, that’s kinda dumb.”
for women and men respectively.
If I’m wrong, and fanatical Christians behead me, then posting may be light for the next few days.
By the way, is there a name for the Christian equivalent of a “fatwa”?
Besides “forgiveness”, I mean.
[All the above are available from Our American Heritage, in case you’re one of the “awwwww… how CUTE!” crowd and you feel you just have to get one of your own.]

Lessons Number One: Liberals Never Actually Care

Something about that story on wounded veterans being told to pay back a portion of their signing bonus seemed fishy. If that had really been going on since the war began, don’t you think we’d have heard about it years ago? Ends up theres only been two or three incidents of this, and they were all clerical errors.
It reminds me of that body armor crap. The media and the Democrats jumped on an issue they didn’t understand because it let them condemn the Bush administration as not caring about the troops (projection) and gave them a way to act like they cared for the military in a way that doesn’t help the war effort (if they had instead thought they heard that our troops were not getting the special guns they need for shooting terrorists in the face, they wouldn’t have made that an issue). No one actually believes the liberals care more about body armor for our troops than conservatives, though. We all know the media and the Democrats actually despise the troops and, if they had to pick between our troops getting body armor or more of them being killed to further fit the liberal narrative on the war, that’s not exactly Sophie’s choice.
Really, liberals, leave the caring about our troops to conservatives. We’re doing just fine ourselves and we know the distaste it leaves in your mouths.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

If it’s ten o’clock and you don’t know where your children are, don’t worry; Fred Thompson knows.