Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgThings John Edwards candidacy brings to the table:
1) A firm but flexible foreign policy
2) Real tax fairness for working families
3) Fashion sense, girlfriend!

Rush Smash!

If you’re trying to convince people you’re a conservative, don’t attack Rush Limbaugh. I think we might finally be to the end of the Huckaboom.


Mitt Romney has just admitted that when he said he had been governor of Massachusetts, he was using a figure of speech and actually was working as a day-shift manager at an Arby’s during that time.

Guess Who Jeri Thompson Reads

John Hawkins has an interview with Jeri Thompson and only one blog –IMAO — is referenced before she hangs up on him in discuss.
Because we’re awesome.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

If Fred Thompson used but a fraction of his energy on the campaign trail, he would destroy the Eastern seaboard.