Fred Thompson won this debate, and that is an objective fact. Anyone political analyst who says otherwise should wrap his mouth around a loaded shotgun and pull the trigger (that’s also an objective fact). I assert these are facts since I thought he won and so did other people. What’s the chance that both me and other people would be wrong about something like this? Slim to none.
You should buy a Fred Thompson t-shirt (also an objective fact) and wear it every day so people can see how awesome Fred Thompson is. And, if someone sees your t-shirt and asks, “Who is Fred Thompson?” you should say loudly and clearly, “You’re stupid!” and punch the person in the face so as to teach him to not be so stupid as to not know who Fred Thompson is and how awesome he is. Picking a president is a serious task, and as with all serious tasks, that requires punching stupid people right in their faces.
Archive of entries posted on 12th December 2007
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
The Debate
Wow. Thompson is really smacking everyone around in this debate (including the moderator when he refused to do one of those stupid shows of hands). Iowa better be watching because I’m watching them! ::shakes fist::
Don’t you think a Thompson/Hunter ticket would be awesome?
BTW, when McCain went on about global warming, I hate that argument “What’s if it’s real and we do nothing?” You can make the same argument about Godzilla (and I often have, too).
I’ve always thought that the Republican debates really need is even more people. This time they shoved Alan Keyes in there, but maybe next one they include for or five more people and make it only a half hour long. That would be so informative.
This is like the Fred Thompson we’ve all been hoping for since he first announced. A couple opinions I’ve seen so far.
Jim Geraghty:
“Where the hell has this Fred been for the past few weeks? This guy looks like he could eat most of the rest of the field for lunch.”
“Seriously, it’s like Thompson came to the debate in Des Moines today to do two things: Kick butt and chew gum. And it appears he’s all out of gum.”
“My poopie tastes different than it smells.”
I might have to do a post about how Fred Thompson objectively walked away with this debate. BTW, buy the t-shirt!
A Thought
Just Because You’re on the Internet Doesn’t Mean All Standards of Decency Go Out the Window
Giant tub of goo attacks blogger’s deceased wife. I hope he’s popped like a zit.