Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson will be spending Christmas Eve this year the same as he traditionally does: Managing a crisis at Washington Dulles International Airport.
(research help from Jim Geraghty)


  1. I had the distinct displeasure to see Ron Paul on Meet the Press. I can honestly say that he is absolutly INSANE. I wonder if Fred will ever be on, (please tell me if he has and I missed it) I would completely enjoy watching him crush Tim Russert.

  2. McBain, I only had about five minutes but here are some for you.
    Relentless Onslaught of Nuts Prevents Americans from Understanding Liberty
    Randomly Occurring Nightmares Penalize Adults Used to Leisure
    Republicans Offer Nothing Positive After the Unhinged Libertarian
    Remorseless Operatives Nag Politicians to Accept a Useless Leader
    Resist Ongoing Nastiness, Prevent Aggression by Ubiquitous Paulians

  3. Open Comment to Fred: Follow your instincts, Fred. Break away from the traditional/conventional GOP campaign and run that “renegade” campaign that, deep inside, you really want. Fire Rich Galen and the other empty suits. They’re giving you wrong advice and steering the FDT campaign off into a muddy bog. Let me know how I can help. Darvin Dowdy

  4. No problem exhelodrvr,
    Here are some New Years wishes for you:
    EXcellent HEalth, LOve, DReams, Vigor, and Rest
    And Emily, never forget that
    Eternal Mysteries Invariably Lead to Yearning
    Merry Christmas!

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