UPDATE: I’m a little surprised that this post generated dozens of comments. Most are well reasoned, and many are funny. It doesn’t bother me that many of you are passionate McCain supporters and want to get your shots in, just as it didn’t bother me that Frank was a passionate Thompson supporter and he let me get my shots in. I don’t quite get, however, the comments that the post is somehow bigoted or xenophobic. It has absolutely nothing to do with McCain’s immigration stance or race. It has to do with the cult of personality, and a twist on Che t-shirts. If you’re a McCain supporter, why don’t you explain why he is such a great candidate, rather than hiding behind a weak and stretching argument that any contrary opinion is somehow based on hating Mexicans. (Incidentally, Che was Argentinian, and is famous for his relation to Cuba, not Mexico). If you think you are going to convince anyone he is a great candidate by hiding behind accusations of “race baiting” in regard to anyone who disagrees with his positions, you are deluded and not terribly bright. Didn’t that argument fail miserably once already in connection with the non-amnesty/amnesty debate a couple months ago, when moderates tried to guilt the conservative wing of the party into supporting bad legislation? It’s not racist to want border security. Its not racist to expect that people who live in this country should abide by the law. Of course, none of those issues are even raised in this post anyway. So, I guess, if you think they are, piss off–you’re probably too stupid for this site, and that’s saying something.
That picture scares me. A lot. Thanks, CH; now I won’t be able to sleep at night.
You racist bigoted nativist xenophobe! We can’t deport them all!
I can’t decide who will be most offended by this: the Latino community, the third-world communist community, or the murderous thug community. Any way you slice it, this is indicative of the need for some serious sensitivity training – bigot.
I am pretty sure there are some offended zombies somewheres too.
By the by, President Bush is privately thanking McCain for his stances on Iraq and immigration.
Viva La Revulcion of not pulling out of Iraq and fighting the Islamic jihadist neofascists.
Oh, come on, Cadet, tell us what you REALLY think!
#3 I think your missing the self loathing Bekerley code commie crowd, unless they fit into second category.
Great job Cadet Happy! That’s going to put some panties in a twist! Now, I’m have to go the re-education camp.
That should read Berkley. Drink coffee first, then post.
Great pic! One of the reasons I voted for Romney in Florida.
i’m actually pretty indifferent to mccain, and in politics, indifference is typically death
there hasn’t been a single candidate who excites me, so i’ll just make fun of them all
An open comment to any that are “offended” by the depiction…
Shut your whiny piehole’s you hyper-sensitive little pissants. If you dont like the humor contained on this site, dont visit the site. Its that simple, now run back to mommy and tell her how unfair the world is and she’ll whipe your sniveling nose for you.
If you cant take a joke then take a flying… (you know the rest)
Viva La Revulsion!!!!
revulsion n. A sudden strong change or reaction in feeling, especially a feeling of violent disgust or loathing.
In Bush’s State of the Union speech, he made some comment about showing the people in the Western Hemisphere that “Democracy leads to a better way of life.” Is it just me or is there some kind of peculiar democratically-based, quasi-nationalistic socialism brewing in this hemisphere? As in convince the people that as long as THEY choose socialism, it’s fine. As in “democracy” trumps individual freedom, private property, bills of rights, constitutions, and the rule of law. Is “democracy” the superset envoloping the principles of “republics” and the inalienable rights that human beings possess? I say no.
That picture, Cadet, makes me think of how our country is turning into a mob of social monkeys.
That is one funny picture! Scary, but funny!
I’ll second comment #11.
I suspect though, that it may be too subtle for some of the newbies I’ve seen here lately.
Been lurkin’ for years
Why is it funny to portray John McCain as a latino? The only reason someone would do this is if they think Latinos are a joke. It seems that IMAO thinks Latinos are hilarious and deserving of ridicule. You should go and read RedState’s views on this. I doubt this kind of intolerance is something that is acceptable to your parent company Pajamas Media. Click here if you would like to complain about this post and the “Juan McCain” references on this blog.
Hi Nate, how are you doing today?
Hi Nyl! Yup, satire escapes many at this site too!
Robert, #7:
Robert, #8:
Try Berkeley. 🙂
Yes Anon Y. Mous,
I botched both of my posts this morning. I was attacked by conservatives last night in an Irish pub that, in a cruel twist of fate, featured a band called Angry Jon.
Thanks for the correction. 🙂
And speaking of Burkaley (Berkeley) don’t miss this gem at Blackfive
#17: Warning.
To Pajamas Media: I and many, many others support freedom of speech on IMAO, including political references to John McCain using hispanic, latino, or spanish names to parady Senator McCain’s positions on the immigration issue. This support will be reflected in the business I do with IMAO and PM advertisors, and the termination of that business if PM does not support IMAO. Any offended individuals should avoid the IMAO website.
#10, Cadet
Was it Trotsky that said “If you don’t take an interest in politics, politics may take an interest in you”, or something like that?
LOL. Romney (your loser guy) is not polling much better than Huckabee, a guy who thinks people used to ride dinosaurs. And Fred Thompson was destroyed by a guy who thinks people rode dinosaurs and homosexuals are evil.
Wow. You right wingers sure do suck! Even the weird dino jesus freaks are more popular than you idiots.
So, are you openly working for Hillary Clinton’s campaign or is this hackery a part time, in camera matter?
You racist bigoted nativist xenophobe! We can’t deport them all!
#2 – Posted by: JoeB131 on February 2, 2008 12:39 PM
Why not? Just as large groups of people have been transported before. You’re a liar or an idiot.
Or both…
You need to stop this racist stuff right now!!!! You do not want to mess with me right now – my boyfriend broke up with me and I just dropped my collectible edition of the Communist Manifesto in my lavender-scented bath.
Hi Upnorth,
As Possum has described at SF in the past politics is a blood sport, I guess some folks lose their sense of humor.
No one really thinks this is racist, right. Those are just parodies of left-wing nutjobs. I mean, nobody could really be that dumb, right?
Go ahead and make fun of me but I didn’t and wouldn’t report you to your Pajamas mothership. It wasn’t me who posted that above. I do think you should follow RedState’s lead though.
I wonder who is going to win on Tuesday? Is it really going to be McCain or will Romney have a surprisingly good Tuesday? It should be an exciting day. But first comes some football!
ps I don’t have a boypeep. I’m not a gay person although I think gay people are very cool. It’s genetic not a choice.
#30, Ernie: Yeah for all we know, #17 is a plant from Pajamas and they’re laughing their heads off right now. After all, who would sign their writing as “BeNiceToLatinos.” That’s funny enough right there!
Jimmy, I fold. Your satire is better than my threats.
No, George my satire usually sucks; I thought your threat was funny, though.
McI McCan’t McVote McFor McJuan McCain!
(It’s actually hard to say that, also.)
See if a tune pops into your head for this
Juan Juan Juan Juan
Juan Juan Juan Juan
Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan
Go, McCain!
Say what you want: McCain voted to CONFIRM BOTH Roberts AND Alito.
How many times have we heard: The MOST important thing about winning the White House is the power to pick Supreme Court justices?
Bonus: McCain is reportedly meaner than a snake. I say good: Just what we need to deal with snakes like Putin, Chavez, Ahmadenijad, and Kim Il-Jong — especially after eight years of the bumbling nincompoop currently sitting in the Oval Office.
No, that’s not the tune, Anonymous.
Actual quote made by John McCain: “I’d love to see a point where it [Roe v. Wade] is irrelevant, and could be repealed because abortion is no longer necessary. But certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe vs. Wade, which would then force X number of women in America to (undergo) illegal and dangerous operations.”
Yeah!! Go GOP! GO Liberals! Protect the rights of women on both sides of the aisle!
Jeebus!!! I love it!! Who’s making the t-shirts?
#1 – What you said.
Protect the rights of women on both sides of the aisle!
Only the ones the unwashed hippie males are hoping to get lucky with. That’s why they couldn’t give a rat’s ass about unborn women’s rights. Can’t get the unborn to give you nookie.
What was that quote rightwingduck had about keeping the death penalty safe and legal?
How many times have we heard: The MOST important thing about winning the White House is the power to pick Supreme Court justices?
The most important thing for the whole country is to keep women who are viciously and repeatedly beaten and raped by their insane right wing fathers from having an abortion? If you care so much about that you should vote for Huck the Magic dinosaur rider – he’s the only one who is a 100% on that issue. After you vote for Huck you might want to look in the mirror because you are probably gay. Most people who are obsessed with this issue are people who hate women because they are secretly homosexuals – they are jealous of women because they want to be a woman. This is the case with hundreds of thousands of right wingers. The Senator with the wide bathroom stance was an example of what so many right wingers (like the men here on IMAO) are like in real life.
What matters most is that John McCain will protect us in future wars. He knows which wars are the right wars and which wars are wars we should avoid. It doesn’t matter about amnesty or the courts and stuff. The GOP is changing. We are embracing a new kind of conservative who simply don’t care about those insignificant issues. Listen to me! McCain is still a conservative even if he appoints a pro-choice judge later because there are different kinds of convervativism. You can be a business conservative. I say McCain is a conservative through and through because protecting people in America (including the thousands of illegals who fight for us in Iraq) and protecting women is being conservative. John McCain is a conservative. He is the right man to lead us.
I don’t want to be arrogant to those who don’t like him but John McCain is really going to win lots on Tuesday. I’m sorry to those who want Romney but I really think McCain is going to win big. I wish two guys could win. You know? But there can be only one. So sorry about that.
There’s a monster liberal storm on the horizon. We are going to transform the GOP so that it is very similar to the Democratic party. Then we are going to turn off Limbaugh’s microphone.
Man, the frolls are really going at it tonight!
Howard, I tip my hat to your flawless imitation of leftard moonbattia. I’ve tried my hand at it a few times myself, but I haven’t quite got that fevered, pot-induced hysteria imitation down yet. How do you manage to sound that crazy without losing your mind? I must know.
McCain gave a big liberal signal during that last debate when he gave a big show of respect to Reagan’s Sandra O’Connor pick. The other hose bag candidates dissed Reagan’s pick. GO MCCAIN!
2008 Election is a Win-Win for Libs!
The GOP is not changing and conservative ideals are not going away.
The core aspects of conservatism are a strong military and a small government. Everything else is side dressing. McCain supports both aspects strongly.
In fact, with the war on Islamic jihad still raging, a strong military is the most important issue right now. Any other domestic issues become moot if we lose the war on terror.
McCain has shown he has the experience and character to be the best Commander – in – Chief. Do you want Hillary, Obama or Romney leading the charge on that part? I didn’t think so.
Vote for a strong military.
Vote for the troops.
Vote for more dead terrorists.
Vote McCain.
Do you want Hillary, Obama or Romney leading the charge on that part? I didn’t think so.
I think Hillary or McCain would be terrific! Obama is just too young to deal with threats like Al Qaeda and global warming. Romney sucks and you know he sucks because Limbaugh likes him. Anyone Limbaugh likes is a sure loser. I hope McCain calls up Limbaugh and laughs at him after he wins.
It’s mostly the right wing women like Malkin and Coulter who have threatened to abandon the GOP to vote for Hillary. They are probably just using McCain as an excuse to vote for a woman.
ahh, ok
I’m not going to get a chance to do this so I might as well do this now.
McCain gave a big liberal signal during that last debate when he gave a big show of respect to Reagan’s Sandra O’Connor pick. The other hose bag candidates dissed Reagan’s pick. GO MCCAIN!
2008 Election is a Win-Win for Libs!
#47 – Posted by: LiberalStorm on February 2, 2008 10:41 PM
Actual quote made by John McCain: “I’d love to see a point where it [Roe v. Wade] is irrelevant, and could be repealed because abortion is no longer necessary. But certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe vs. Wade, which would then force X number of women in America to (undergo) illegal and dangerous operations.”
Yeah!! Go GOP! GO Liberals! Protect the rights of women on both sides of the aisle!
#39 – Posted by: Howard on February 2, 2008 09:38 PM
This is John McCain’s record on abortion
* Voted YES on barring HHS grants to organizations that perform abortions. (Oct 2007)
* Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Apr 2007)
* Voted YES on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. (Jul 2006)
* Voted NO on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education & contraceptives. (Mar 2005)
* Voted YES on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime. (Mar 2004)
* Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions except for maternal life. (Mar 2003)
* Voted YES on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions. (Jun 2000)
* Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions. (Oct 1999)
* Voted YES on banning human cloning. (Feb 1998)
* Rated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record. (Dec 2003)
* Expand embryonic stem cell research. (Jun 2004)
* Rated 75% by the NRLC, indicating a mixed record on abortion. (Dec 2006)
That’s your liberal savior.
A mixed record. What a Maverick!
ha ha Iran no web access for you
#34 Jimmy –
Sounds like the tune when Darth Vader enters a scene. (Also used by USC Trojan marching band with annoying frequency)
We should have a contest to come up with a McCain campaign slogan. Something like: McCain-Better than gum disease or McCain-Because Bush was just too nice or McCain-Who needs a brain with a mouth like that or McCain-Integrity with spin or McCain-Because it’s time for a fat president. I think these slogans can really work for McCain.
Wow, I personally have more to do with my time than visit left wing blogs and leave nananananana messages.
I realize I’m not going to change their minds there (notice I avoided the obligatory joke about minds, ’cause here everybody is already thinking it.)
I think the major problem here is that most trolls have no sense of humor, they can’t fathom irony and they completely miss sarcasm.
(I am waving my arm in front of your face and saying, “This is not the blog your looking for” -feel the power of the force and move on)
Wow, I personally have more to do with my time than visit left wing blogs and leave nananananana messages.
nananananana suck it right wing loser we are going to be here every step of the way to point out how much you right wingers suck and how much your voice is vanishing from the GOP
you think you blog can make fun of liberals for so long without liberals finding it so funny that now you own party become liberal? there is the irony for you sean. you think it possible for us to resist making that point ova and ova
even the current president just dissed your romney peepzoid this morning
you think you blog can make fun of liberals for so long without liberals finding it so funny that now you own party become liberal? there is the irony for you sean. you think it possible for us to resist making that point ova and ov
1. SM, is that you?
2. You guys have been attacking and making fun of George Bush for a period of eight years now. Quit being a baby, pull the stick out of your ass, and act like you can handle being made fun of.
Typical liberal, can dish it out but can’t take it.
3. I’m really not sure whether to debate you or to just go on and let you think John McCain’s a liberal.
Tell you what, come back here after election day and I’ll debate you on this.
Lets just go ahead and get some truth in advertising here…
Change the name of the current democratic party the Socialist Party.
Change the name of the current republican party to the Democratic Party.
That way you call a spade a spade and no one is confused about either parties true agenda.
Now, you liberals do realize that W’s not running for re-election, don’t you?
But then again, maybe it doesn’t matter. How about this-
Bush/Cheney ’08, ’09, AND ’10: Presidential Powers Rock!
Oops… did I just make you wet yourselves?
The only tune I can think of for #34 is the meow mix theme, but then, I’m not very musical.
On Fox News Sunday, Juan McCain just said that he sees cutting spending so much, that the Feds could give a $1000 tax credit for every child….sounds about as conservative as they get!
Juan Juan Juan
Juan Juan Juan Juan
Juan Juan Juan
Juan Juan Juan Juan
Juan Juan Juan MaCaaaaaaaaainnnnn
BarbraAnn (Beach Boys)
Hey fellow Dems let’s stop poking fun of the GOP’s liberal ways. It’s upsetting these nice folks.
With McCain the right wingers get to have the war in Iraq (that we think is not needed) and we get to fight the much more important battle against global warming (that they think doesn’t exist). McCain is a win for both sides. Hillary would probably stay in Iraq too. Hillary’s probably even better on the borders than McCain.
It’s Obama that’s trouble. He has aligned himself with the very far left (Ted Kennedy) and he is surging in the polls. He would crush McCain because he is so young and handsome compared to the old crusty McCain. Obama will raise taxes through the roof, leave Iraq, give illegals drivers license (and free cars from Oprah) and god knows what else. That’s something to really worry about and lose sleep over.
Spanish people were put on this earth to be laughed at. That’s the only excuse I can come up with for their ridiculous behavior.
Spanish people were put on this earth to be laughed at. That’s the only excuse I can come up with for their ridiculous behavior.
#65 – Posted by: Ilaughatlatinos on February 3, 2008 02:47 PM
See, I realize this is a liberal troll and not one of you guys, but when you do shit like Juan McCain you make it easy for guys like this.
Sorry, I’ll go away now…
Maybe it was AlanABQ…
He’s such a bigot & punts puppies like footballs!
There. Did I get it right…?
What about “Juan Valdez?” He’s synonomous with Columbian coffee. That’s a good Juan.
Juan Juan Juan Juan Juan – Juan Juan
The Wrath of MCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain
Waaaaaaaaaahhh! I’m a cry baby right wing nutjob. I want to ride dinosaurs to work. I want the messiah to come and kill all the nonbelievers. I want End of Days now! I hate embryo stem cell research. I don’t care how much other countries get ahead of the USA as long we ban this. I hate cloning. I hate women. I hate peace. I want massive oil company profits. Waaaaaaaaah!! I want latinos to go away! I want to give our jobs away to foreign lands. I want to build bridges for Iraqis! I want everyone to run around killing people in USA with assault weapons. Waaaaah! Stop making fun of me frolls and trolls. Waaaaaaaaah!! I can’t take it. I’m a right wing nutjob and I have no backbone or stamina!!! I’m a loser! Waaaaaaaaah!! Get your own blogs. Waaaaaaaaah!!
Paging Mr. Right’s father… Will Mr. Right’s father please come to the front desk? You child has been found rooting through the pharmaceuticals again…
#70 – Posted by: Mr. Right on February 3, 2008 04:25 PM
Since when do we allow peasants on this message board
Whichever one of you is in charge of this take care of this Monday morning or I’m raising oil another $10 just to send a message.
You’re absolutely correct, Mr. Right! As a conservative, I hate women! I…oh wait, I am one. Damn.
We CAN deport them all! We put a man on the moon and built the Shuttle didn’t we?
First – hiring or aiding an illegal in any way becomes a felony with 7-12 minimum. Having one illegal on your payroll is $5 grand, #2 is $10 grand, #3 is $15 grand, you see the pattern.
And the person who hired them does time.
No benefits of any kind for any illegal.
Next – all funds transfered out of the US to any foriegn national are taxed at 3 times teh Capital Gains Tax rate. As in Europe, the crime of illegally transferring funds out of the country is punished with severe prison time and crushing fines.
And finally, a bounty of a $500.00 direct tax credit for every illegal turned in.
A guest worker program is enacted and any guest worker is the total responsibility of the employer. NO SOCIAL BENEFITS! And only the guest worker gets in, no family or friends.
Tough ideas, yes, but the survival of the nation is at stake.
#73 – Naw, pomegranate…see, we don’t count. I think it’s because we have actual standards and ‘Mr. Right’ wants to get into our trousers but can’t. So he and other dopey libtard ‘males’ have to hit up the skank hippie chicks who are too stoned to resist.
Unless he’s a froll. Getting real hard to tell them apart these days since the Left now has a handy self-parodying feature.
Getting really fired up for McCain’s big Super Tuesday win after watching that amazing Super Bowl game. Tuesday is going to be even more fun than the Super Bowl if you are John McCain like millions of Americans are. With Tuesday’s big delegate win by McCain it should be almost over. Vote for John McCain the super conservative on Tuesday!
John McCain ’08
The Right Man to Lead Us
Fred agrees!
“Because Romney qualifies as the same man John Kerry was in the 2004 Presidential election, (i.e. an empty candidate whose positions change like the wind) I am voting for John McCain. Despite his few ideological flaws, he has the good will to work with any Congress and enough experience to get our foreign policy back in focus. In the end he is still a good conservative, a war hero and a pragmatist who will know to do the right thing when he sees it.”
Gotta disagree. He does not have a few ideological flaws…
You racist bigoted nativist xenophobe! We can’t deport them all!
#2 – Posted by: JoeB131 on February 2, 2008 12:39 PM
Yes you can.
You are a liar or you are very ignorant.
How about you tell us why we can’t deport people.
The blogger of this blog has abandoned us all at a critical period in the 2008 election process. Everyone start chanting:
More New Posts!
More New Posts!
More New Posts!
Dance for us blogger monkey! Dance!
AlanABQ and WAL – your posts consistently amuse me… plus, I never have to post because you say what I would say. Keep up the good work!
#73 – Posted by: pomegranate & #75 – Posted by: Basilisk Ditto ladies…
Conservatives hate women? Yes, my normal morning routine is to look in the mirror and scream “I hate you!!!!” over and over.
BLC, two major problems with your analysis.
First, how is an employer supposed to know he’s hiring an illegal. If he has forged documents that look real, it’s usually 2 years before he’s informed that something might be up.
The second is, the costs of deporting them would cost more than the Iraq war. That’s a lot of effort to expend against people who aren’t really harming anyone.
I plan to vote for McCain in the primary (now that both Giuliani and Thomspon are out) despite his views on immigration, which are pretty much the opposite of mine. I do not find the post racist at all.
I am a little bit bothered that you are comparing a man who has killed communists and who was a prisoner tortured by communists for several years to a communist mass murderer. But I realize that is only a joke.
You do all realize that this may be your last chance to vote for a candidate who has actually killed commies? If you want to vote for Romney fine, but at least remember this fact come November.
Wow, Cadet Happy gives good update. Take a hint and piss off, you moonbat whiny trolls.
“The most important thing for the whole country is to keep women who are viciously and repeatedly beaten and raped by their insane right wing fathers from having an abortion?…After you vote for Huck you might want to look in the mirror because you are probably gay. Most people who are obsessed with this issue are people who hate women because they are secretly homosexuals – they are jealous of women because they want to be a woman.”
#42 – Posted by: Howard on February 2, 2008 09:52 PM
What are you doing? You have your own computer. Its called the washing machine. Now get back in the kitchen. AND MAKE ME A SAMMICH!!!
and stop calling yourself ‘howard’…your name is maryann you dumb bitch
Ya’ll are crazy. I am a Latino, I am conservative, I believe the borders should be secure for our own safety, and I was not insulted by this picture. Eleanor Roosevelt said no one can insult you without your permission. If you are Latino and you were insulted, you are too sensitive and need to spend your energy some where else.
Look out, RealNavyMan…Joey ol’ boy will be stopping by shortly to call you a ‘Tio Tomas’ for being a ‘self-loathing’ Hispanic-type person who ‘sold out’ his own ‘race’ for not being ever so excited that street thugs are jumping the line and pushing out the people trying to get here legally.
Just when I think the howling moonbats can’t get any more intolerant or self-parodying, they always manage to lower the bar even further.
!This post definitely started a revulcion!
Make me a sammich too. Delicioso, puta.