If crazy Muslims consider Obama an apostate, wouldn’t that make you more likely to vote for him? First off, Americans love things that piss off crazy Muslims. Second, if crazy Muslims are going to try and kill Obama regardless of what he does, then won’t it be more likely he’ll be motivated to kill them back?
I’ve never seen any evidence foreign Muslims consider him an apostate, though. If anything, like with Hamas, they’ll consider his election a victory.
My advice: Obama should play up the apostate angle.
“Yes, I was technically a Muslim as a kid, but I’m not anymore. Try and do something about it, mother@#$%!”
I’d totally vote for him if he said that. Plus, then Samuel L. Jackson could play him in his biography.
Obama could always just order bacon with his waffles, and feed some to his dog afterwards. Pet the dog a little, looking at camera. Let the dog snuggle up and lick his face.
But then, I don’t think Michelle would do all of that on camera, and may not eat bacon.
“…won’t it be more likely he’ll be motivated to kill them back?”
I’ve rarely seen anything that makes a liberal want to kill someone back.
Is it fair to compare Meesh Obama with a dog? My dog just licks his nuts on the couch…I’ve never seen Meesh do THAT!
More likely, he’d be sworn into office and his first words would be “Ever heard of taqiyya?”
Why all the adds for the International Muslim Matrimonial Site? Are we planning on breeding them out, or did Google make a mistake? Maybe we can find a second wife for Obama should he reveal he is not an apostate, and has been a Muslim all this time.
Did I compare her to a dog, Nuke ’em #3? I just said she might not do everything a nice dog would. That’s contrast, not comparison.
I believe you did, Socratestes. Plus you didn’t say anything about a “nice” dog. If I were Michelle Obama, I would resent this comparison, nevertheless.
This example of clever innuendo will not go unnoticed in the anal sacks of internet political dialog. Our canine friends quite clearly deserve better.
Two truckers were leaving a truck stop when they saw a big hound dog licking his nuts in the middle of the parking lot. The first trucker says, “Boy! I wish I could do that!”. The second trucker said, “I’d make friends with that mean lookin sumbitch first, if I was you!”.
One old farmer says, “I love farming! I bought a pig for $30 last fall, spent $20 feeding him through the winter, and sold him this spring for $50!”. The second old farmer says, “You old fool, you didn’t make no profit from that hog!”. “Yeah,” says the first old farmer, “but I had the pleasure of his company all winter!”.
Here are some things Obama could say to get my vote:
Hope? That’s what the terrorists and anyone who supports them aren’t gonna have if I’m elected.
I’m not the black candidate. I’m black, and I’m white. I’m here to lead America.
Sure I’m going to talk to Iran with no preconditions. I’m gonna tell them that if I’m elected we’d better not find any evidence of them supporting violence in Iraq or we’ll flatten them.
Yes, I’ll get the troops out of Iraq. As soon as the insurgency is well and truly dead and the Iraqis can do it all on their own. And of course we want permanent bases there. Are you stupid?
No, Dhimmy #7, I contrasted her with a dog. For the last time, she’s not really a dog! Why can’t you people get it though your heads?
From Dictionary.com:
con·trast v. n. –verb (used with object)
1. to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences; note the opposite natures, purposes, etc., of: Contrast the political rights of Romans and Greeks.
Notice the use of “compare” and “Greeks.” Ha!
See, Jimmy? I was showing that she is hardly anything like a rabid, flea-bitten, racist, communist dog.
And I meant that in a nice way.
By the way, Husienuman the 1/2 white, I’m still laughing at #8a. Make friends first.
Coming to a t-shirt near you:
‘An American p!$$ed off Islam by becoming apostate, and all I got was this lousy presidential candidate.’
The following facts that were discovered from Barack Obama’s previously unrevealed trip to Karachi, Pakistan and Hyderabad, India in the Summer of 1981 in the “private” San Francisco fundraiser of early April 2008 that gave rise to the “Bittergate” controversy exposed on the Huffington Post and Hannity & Colmes, among others.
According to the report of Larry Rohter of April 10, 2008, in The New York Times, the Obama campaign staff, when questioned about the revelation of Obama’s 1981 trip to Karachi, stated: “Mr. Obama visited Pakistan in 1981, on the way back from Indonesia, where his mother and half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, were living. He spent ‘about three weeks’ there, Mr. Obama’s press secretary, Bill Burton, said, staying in Karachi with the family of a college friend, Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, but also traveling to Hyderabad, in India.”
That information is significant for two reasons. First and foremost is the fact that Mohammed Hasan Chandoo is a radical Muslim who with his relatives operate a website that is anti-Semitic and anti-American and supports radical Islamic politics. Go to Chandoo.com, the home page of the Chandoo brothers, with a links to the Chandoo brothers favourite sites. Not only are the sites anti_American and anti-Semitic, they are anti-women, with several vulgar references to the distasteful Shia Muslim practice of “muttah.” Shia recognize muttah as an accepted practice. It is a short term marriage where by a contract states the length of the marriage and the consideration to be paid. In reality, muttah is a purported short-term marriage, whereby poor Pakistani and Indian Muslims often “pimp” their own daughters to Middle-East tourists for a few rupees when visiting the Indian Sub-Continent. Elitist Muslims use muttah to as a means to exploit poor attractive young woman and girls just reaching puberty for a few rupees. If Obama befriended the Chandoo brothers, as claimed by his campaign, what does that say about his “judgment?”
Many young fundamentalist Muslim “scholars” have traveled to Hyderabad to witness what they believed was stolen from Islam by India’s Hindu majority. Karachi is a favoured spot for young radical Muslims because Pakistan was the first former British colony that abandoned English common law for Islamic law following the coup d’etat of General Mohammed Zia who overthrew the democratically elected government of Ali Bhutto in the late 1970s. Indeed, Barack Obama admitted that he traveled to Karachi while under military rule of madman and dictator General Zia. These new revelations about Obama’s college travels to Karachi and Hyderabad raise the question of whether Obama is a Muslim apostate, a question muzzled by Obama’s constant incantation that he is a 20 year member of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. One wonders why, if Obama was always a Christian, he was “baptised” by Pastor Jeremiah Wright Jr. as an adult. The simple truth is that by Obama’s own numerous accounts there are different versions of the purported truth as to whether his mother was an atheist , an agnostic, or a deeply spiritual person who provide Obama with religious reading material from various religions. Why has the press not looked further into this bundle of contradictions from the printed words of Dreams of My Father to Obama’s own public statements and his campaign’s inconsistent responses to press inquires. The critical question to be answered is not whether Obama is now a Christian as opposed to being a Muslim, but whether Obama was ever a Muslim, as numerous friends and teachers have unequivocally indicated before Obama announced his candidacy for President in February 2007. Obama should be called to publicly dispute the credible evidence indicating that Obama is a Muslim apostate because Obama himself, as well as his campaign website have made it an issue by publicly proclaiming, “Obama Has Never Been A Muslim, And Is a Committed Christian.”
Obama’s previously undisclosed and unrevealed trip to Karachi and to Hyderabad are troubling in light of Obama’s Dreams of My Father accounts of a Muslim heritage and the unbiased reporting of Los Angeles Times Djakarta Bureau Chief Paul Watson’s on site investigation of Obama’s prior practice of Islam reported in the March 16, 2007 edition of the Los Angeles Times. There Watson wrote:
” Obama’s campaign aides have emphasized his strong Christian beliefs and downplayed any Islamic connection. The Illinois senator was raised ‘in a secular household in Indonesia by his stepfather and mother,’ his chief spokesman, Robert Gibbs, said in a statement in January after false reports began circulating that Obama had attended a radical madrasa, or Koranic school, as a child.
“‘To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago,’ Gibbs’ Jan. 24 statement said. In a statement to The Los Angeles Times on Wednesday[March 14, 2007], the campaign offered slightly different wording, saying: ‘Obama has never been a practicing Muslim.’ The statement added that as a child, Obama had spent time in the neighborhood’s Islamic center.”
Thereafter, Watson noted:
” His former Roman Catholic and Muslim teachers, along with two people who were identified by Obama’s grade-school teacher as childhood friends, say Obama was registered by his family as a Muslim at both of the schools he attended.
” That registration meant that during the third and fourth grades, Obama learned about Islam for two hours each week in religion class.
“The childhood friends say Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at the local mosque. ‘We prayed but not really seriously, just following actions done by older people in the mosque. But as kids, we loved to meet our friends and went to the mosque together and played,’ said Zulfin Adi, who describes himself as among Obama’s closest childhood friends.
” The campaign’s national press secretary, Bill Burton, said Wednesday that the friends were recalling events ‘that are 40 years old and subject to four decades of other information.’ Obama’s younger sister, Maya Soetoro, said in a statement released by the campaign that the family attended the mosque only ‘for big communal events,’ not every Friday.”
Continuing to report on his investigation, Watson wrote:
“Adi said he often visited the Soetoro family at their home, a small flat-roofed bungalow at 16 Haji Ramli St. Today, he runs an Internet cafe and purified water business from the same small Jakarta house where he grew up near Obama.
“Theirs was a middle-class neighborhood, but Haji Ramli Street was a dirt lane where Obama used to while away the hours kicking a soccer ball. In the long rainy season, it turned to thick, mucky soup; Obama and his friends wore plastic bags over their shoes to walk though it, said Adi, who at 46 is the same age as Obama.
” Neighborhood Muslims worshiped in a nearby house, which has since been replaced by a larger mosque. Sometimes, when the muezzin sounded the call to prayer, Lolo and Barry would walk to the makeshift mosque together, Adi said.
“His mother often went to the church, but Barry was Muslim. He went to the mosque,” Adi said. “I remember him wearing a sarong.”
On January 16, 2007, Obama launched BarackObama.com and issued a press release stating that on February 20, 2007, he would make an announcement on his running for President of the United States, as reported by local Station NBC5 in Chicago. Following that announcement, The Kalim Post, an Indonesian newspaper carried a story about Obama’s Indonesian friends clearly discussing that Obama was a practicing Muslim when he lived in Djakarta, reporting in Indonesian: ” Mengenai agama yang dianut sang senator AS, Akhmad Solikhin, wakil kepala SDN 1 Menteng, tidak yakin Barry beragama Islam. . . .menurut Tine sang guru, Barry mengikuti pelajaran agama Islam semasa sekolah.” That translates into English as: ” Concerning the religion that was followed by the US senator, Akhmad Solikhin, the representative of the SDN head 1 Menteng, was not sure Barry was religious [devoute in ] Islam. . . . according to his teacher(guru) Barry took part in the Islam religious lesson during the period of the school.” Additionally, another Indonesian newspaper The Benjarmasin Post, in a July 9, 2006 report on Barack Obama’s time in Indonesia, based upon Obama’s local friends in Djakarta wrote:”Barry dulu memang beragama Islam,” which clearly translates into English: ” Barry was previously quite religious [in] Islam.” It also reported: “Semua saudara sebapak Barry ini beragama Islam.” That translates into English as: “All of Barry’s family were religious in Islam.” Thereafter, it was written: “Kita dulu sering mengajak dia ke mushala dekat rumah.” Translation: “In the past we often invited him ti the [Islamic] prayer room near the house.” the report had previously noted, “dia aktif ke mushala,” which translated means, ” he was active in the prayer room.”
These are important issues to the American body politic because Obama has proclaimed that he was never a Muslim during his campaigning in Iowa in December 2007. Why? Because Obama’s Muslim friends in Indonesia, as well as Paul Watson, the well respected bureau chief of The Los Angeles Times have indicated that Obama once practiced Islam and these reports were based upon information discussed well before Obama became a serious, if not leading, contender for the Democratic Presidential nomination. Simply put, what does it say about the personal integrity, and candor ( i.e., honesty) of Obama the candidate who seeks the highest office in the land by misrepresentation and deception on such a straightforward issue. This is particularly important since the Obama campaign’s website has a November 12, 2007 web page titled, “Obama Has Never Been A Muslim, And Is a Committed Christian.” Yet, the web page fails to refute the Watson report of March 16, 2007 ( although it makes reference to the Watson report of March 16, 2007, the reference is neutral and fails to dispute the personal accounts of those interviewed by Watson) or the reports of the two Indonesian newspapers of July 2006 and January 27, 2007, which reported on Djakarta residents that stated, without motive to lie, that Obama once was a practicing Muslim. Again, integrity is a huge personal attribute that is appropriately considered by the body politic. Why has Obama not responded to the dispute on a point-by-point basis when over 13 percent of Americans believe Obama is a Muslim apostate and has misrepresented his former Muslim affiliation by simply intoning that he “has never been a Muslim,” despite reputable evidence to the contrary.
The Obama campaign website makes the unsubstantiated claim: “Barack Obama Is Not and Has Never Been a Muslim. Obama never prayed in a mosque. He has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ.” Did Paul Watson fabricate a story about Obama’s Muslim prayers at a Djakarta mosque? Were the quotations form the Los Angeles Times report of march 16, 2007, which can be accessed on the Obama website by a hyper-link false? Was the account of one of Obama’s closest friend in Djakarta an utter falsehood, which hoodwinked Watson to write: “The childhood friends say Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at the local mosque. ‘We prayed but not really seriously, just following actions done by older people in the mosque. But as kids, we loved to meet our friends and went to the mosque together and played,’ said Zulfin Adi, who describes himself as among Obama’s closest childhood friends.” What motive to fabricate such basic historical facts did Zulfin Adi and /or Watson have at the time the report was published? I submit none whatsoever.
According to the SWAMP, the Chicago Tribune’s political bog of December 22, 2007, Barrack Obama specifically denied EVER practicing Islam. Obama stated: “I’ve always been a Christian” and “I have never practiced [Islam].” This raise the question: Is Barack Obama an Impostor? Did Obama’s answers to direct questions obfuscate the truth? Was Obama deliberately lying to gain the highest office of the land by blatant misrepresentations of material facts that his campaign considers so important that it has dedicated a good portion of its website to support the claim that: ” Obama Has Never Been A Muslim, And Is a Committed Christian.”
Returning to the April 10, 2008 New York Times report of Obama’s San Francisco revelation of his 1981 trip to Pakistan seems to undermine the Obama website claim of November 12, 2007 that, “Obama Has Never Been A Muslim, And Is a Committed Christian,” as well as his personal public representation that, “I’ve always been a Christian” and “I have never practiced Islam.”
This is a fundamental question of personal integrity of Obama, not an anti-Muslim attack on a political candidate. Why has the news media missed the big question of whether Obama may have deliberately lied about his past practice of Islam to secure the Democratic nomination.
I know a bit more than the average American about Islam and Pakistan. Two of my four sisters were born in British colonial Karachi, India, what is now Pakistan. (My oldest sister Maureen was born in England, my twin sister and I were born in Mumbai, India years after the partition of 1947). My late father had to travel to Kashmir to rescue my oldest three sisters from a boarding school during the chaos and atrocities of early 1948 in Karachi. My late aunt was gang raped and mutilated by razors by over two dozen Muslims during the violence in early 1948. My husband always felt an aura of spirituality about my late aunt whenever we visited her in then Bombay, where she lived as a spinster, because of the gang rape and scars on her face visited upon her by Muslim thugs caused her to remain unmarried throughout her life.
When she spoke to my husband about her ordeal she always said that prayer and discarding any feelings of bitterness allowed her to live a long life into her early nineties
My family suffered greatly from Louie Mountbatten’s partition of India. My grandfather was the last Mayor of Karachi under British rule. He lost almost all as a refugee who settled in Bombay.
My uncle who negotiated, in 1946, the production of Chrysler cars in India that commenced in 1948, with Walter Chrysler at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York fared better, as did my father who earned his Ph.D. from Edinburgh in 1935, who relocated our family to Bombay in 1948, before me and my twin sister were born.
We lived in the centre of Bombay off Pedder Road. I was educated at Saint Joseph Convent School in Panchgani, India, as was my three other sisters before me and my twin came to the United States, where we studied as undergraduates and later in professional schools. One of the girls in our graduating class, a Muslim, became a famous Bollywood movie star, another a rock singer. My husband, who worked for a multinational corporations did a great deal of business with Middle-Eastern African and Asian countries and, in particular Pakistani and Indian companies.
One of my uncles, a barrister trained at Lincoln’s Inn in London remained in Karachi until 1979, principally by virtue of the fact that he was a brilliant lawyer and Ali Bhutto’s barrister. He immigrated to Bombay in 1979 after all attempts to save Bhutto from hanging at the hand of the military madman and dictator Mohammed Zia failed.
When my husband and I visited Bombay in 1979 we had the opportunity to visit my uncle the barrister. He warned us of the incipiency of radical Islam through the imposition of Islamic law (Shariah) on once British Common Law countries. My husband and I ( we are both American Lawyers) could not grasp the significant point of my uncle’s insightful analysis. We do now.
Pakistan has become the template of grafting Shariah law on all Muslim countries and others, such as Kenya, where Barack Obama’s professed first cousin, Raila Odinga signed a Memorandum of Understanding with fundamentalist Muslim factions on August 29, 2007, prior to the disputed December 27, 2007 Kenyan general elections to implement Shiriah law in the Kenyan Costal provinces. THAT Memo STATES IN PARAGRAPH 5(f) “NO MUSLIM RESIDING IN KENYA WHETHER A CITIZEN, VISITOR OR RELATIVE OF ANY OF THE OF ABOVE SHALL BE SUBJECTED TO ANY PROCESS INVOLVING THE LAWS OF A FOREIGN COUNTRY AND IN PARTICULAR ANY MUSLIM ARRESTED FOR OR SUSPECTED OF TERRORISM OR ANY OTHER INTERNATIONAL CRIME SHALL ONLY BE TRIED WITHIN THE BORDERS OF KENYA AND SHALL BE GRANTED A COMPETENT LAWYER OF HIS/HER CHOICE AT THE EXPENSE OF THE GOVERNMENT.” One of the big issues Barack Obama’s first cousin Rail Odinga ran on seeking the presidency of Kenya was the extradition of Muslim terrorists from the Kenyan port city of Mombassa to Ethiopia for trial by Kenyan President Kibaki over the past several years.
East Africa (Kenya, Somalia, the Ogaden sector of Ethiopia and Tanzania), like Pakistan has become a breeding ground for radical Islam. Barack Obama’s affinity for, association with, and self professed knowledge of Islam, gives one great pause because of his categorical denial of his Islamic past without specific repudiation of the scores of sources that undermine, if not totally belie, his assertion that he never practiced Islam. Is Obama to be believed, particularly given his ambitions to seek the Democratic nomination from 2006 onward? Why has the Obama campaign changed its story between Obama not being a “practicing” Muslim in its March 14, 2007 statement to Paul Watson from its January 24,2007 statement issued by Obama campaign spokesperson Robert Gibbs that: “To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago,” to change once again following Paul Watson’s investigative report of March 16, 2007. Again, like the Obama denials of knowledge of the hate based, racist and Marxist ideology, which has been mischaracterized as Black Liberation Theology spewed by his Pastor Wright, Obama’s various accounts of Obama’s Muslim heritage, both written in Dreams of My Father and given by his campaign spokesperson, are a web of contradictions.
In the words of Sir Walter Scott “O, what a tangled web we weave When first we practise to deceive.” Marmion, 1808.
Can the United States of America sober up from its Obama intoxication to question Obama’s categorical claim that he NEVER practiced Islam? What has happened to the healthy skepticism once the hallmark of American journalism? Like the Pastor Wright issue, this matter of Obama’s claim to never practicing Islam has not been properly aired by the press, save Paul Watson and The Los Angeles Times.
Why would a college student from Occidental college in Los Angeles, California, visit two hot bed cities of fundamentalist Islamic doctrine in 1981 unless the student embraced radical Islamic ideology? Why not spend that time with his mother in Djakarta, rather than in Karachi and Hyderabad cavorting with the radical Chandoo brothers?
too long; didn’t read