The Generation After the Next Generation of Conservatives

Interview with Piper Palin.


  1. If you look at the people who voting against Prop 8 it was all the old people who wanted it. The young people in the USA are even more liberal than Al Gore. No one wants to be asshole conservative like you people. The kids understand the future and Obama. The young people hate the stupid GOP and they hate you too cause you suck.

    [Uh… what does Piper Palin have to do with Prop 8?

    Maybe it’s better you don’t answer that. -Ed.]

  2. Also – What this means is conservatism is screwed and as old conservative people die they are replaced by fine young liberals who wants gays to marry and to help our planet. So suck on that losers. Your heinous views are totally doomed.


    What the “this” you’re referring to? -Ed.]

  3. Wait a minute, with conservatives out of the picture…..if gays marry, and abortion is the law of the land…..who the hell is going to re-populate this magical utopia you speak of? You want conservatives gone (you know, the ones who actually make babies and then don’t kill them) so all you are left with are liberals who would rather collect a government check than go to work….gays and pro-choicers who don’t reproduce…..ok….who the hell will be left to pay the taxes required to pay for your socialistic utopia programs? For me, I plan on working LESS to pay LESS taxes should the bar drop to my bracket…..what if more feel like I do….who the hell is going to keep the government from starving? Certianly the “poor” cannot afford it, because wealth NEVER HAS AND NEVER WILL trickle up. You sure you really want Conservatives gone?

    Tell you what, HardAbs, go march upstairs and ask your Mom how the bills get paid, then ask her how you were born, then thank her for allowing you to live in her basement (rent free because WOW doesn’t pay you to play their online games) while you seek to demand change in a Country you are not even contributing to. No worries about that whole contributing part though, soon you will have to do your community service like the rest of us….careful though, I hear sunlight burns people who have never before ventured out from the basement.

  4. “If you look at the people who voting against Prop 8 it was all the old people who wanted it.”

    Hey Hard Abs – a YOUNG Californian here who voted YES on 8. I’m one of the many, btw. MANY. Why don’t you take your pack of lies, threats, and insults and go be a sore loser elsewhere, ‘kay?

    And do remember……in EVERY STATE gay marriage has been brought to a vote by the people, it has lost.

    Be gay. Enjoy all your benefits (which, in CA, are the exact SAME as married couples) but LEAVE MARRIAGE THE HECK ALONE. You will lose every time because conservatism is NOT dead. I repeat – CONSERVATISM IS NOT DEAD and neither are TRADITIONAL FAMILY VALUES.

    Get over it. You lost. Go be a big boy now.

    As a Californian who fought hard for the passing of Prop 8, I personally am sick to death of you.

  5. Mary Sunshine:

    I love you. Classic pwnage, my friend.

    The only thing you left out is that assuming he’s ACTUALLY a body builder (remember the song “I’m so much cooler online”?), most body builders have a reputation for trying to make sure SOME part of their body is both large and masculine. They are also not known for having the blood go to their brain for any reason.

    As a dear friend of mine once said, “Body by Jake; Brain by Mattel”.

    When Obama talks about “Trickle Up”, I remember that 60’s song by Ten Years After called “I’d Love to Change the World”, which has the line:

    Tax the rich
    Feed the poor
    ‘Til there are no
    Rich no more

    Notice that the purpose is not to make the poor something other than poor, but to get rid of the rich. So no one to hire anyone, so no one but the poor left? I guess so. Works great in the third world! Well, because they can count on aid from the US. But I guess if we become one of them, the whole world starves. But hey! No more rich! Poor starving everywhere? Eh, who cares! Not Liberals! To paraphrase the old joke, Democrats and Communists must love the poor because they’ve made so many.

  6. Bob and Mark is a pretty popular radio show on KWHL 106.5 here in Anchorage. From her first day as our governor, she was on their morning show being interviewed by these guys. I can’t imagine you’ve ever heard of the show, but I reckon they’re like most other morning show hosts; funny, a little kooky, more than a little crass, etc… Anyway, one of the reasons, I believe, that so many Alaskans likeher so much is that she’s so accessible

  7. I wish I could listen to the whole thing, keeps cutting off.

    I think the prob. with Prop 8 is that they forgot most African Americans are actually pretty social conservative in their politics, but vote Democrat to prevent the appearance of ‘selling out’. They really should’ve named it “Proposition Barack Obama” if they wanted more support from that demographic.

  8. Spacemonkey Prop 8 passed because of help from minorities coming out to vote for O. Minorities that might normally sit it out on election night but didn’t. They DID help us and ironically we have their love of O to thank for that. Here is a quote from ADF (Alliance Defense Fund):

    “In fact, in all three states last night, support for the marriage propositions outstripped support for the more conservative candidate for president — in California, by more than a million votes”

    The “problem” with Prop 8 is not in the title but in the voters themselves. Far too many people do not do their homework. They think – gay marriage – what can be the harm in that? without looking into the severe harm it has caused in states like MA and Connecticut. I won’t go into details again – but if you want to see exactly WHAT harm, check it out in Frank’s post entitled “Marriage Preserved thanks to blacks”. And those are just a FEW examples. Those who do their research come out overwhelmingly in support of traditional marriage.

    Our family attended THE CALL the Saturday before election day. It was a mass prayer and fasting gathering. One pastor said he believed we, as a nation, could “survive” a “wrong” president (many of you have pointed out the fact that we have – Jimmy Carter, for one) but that as a nation we could NOT survive REDEFINING marriage. It is a direct assault on God’s very own design/creation. It is yet another tool to destroy families, as MarySunshine so eloquently points out. It is also a huge threat to those of us who cherish parental rights and religious liberties.

    I wish O didn’t win – he certainly was NOT my candidate, but I am thankful for those who came out in support of traditional marriage here in CA as well as FL and AZ. I also believe God has a plan, and perhaps it starts here with those of us at IMAO.

  9. I am not entirely sure my post was eloquent, but thank you. I am also a Christian, and I did vote YES on 8. Unlike what Nancy Piglosi says, I voted yes knowing exactly what yes meant. You see, there are those who actually think (despite 75 mil spent on getting them to think otherwise) that yes meant no. Yes to prop 8 meant no to yes…..wrap your mind around that?!?!? Challenges are coming, lawsuits are coming….sorry to break it to the no-ers, but Obama brought out the black vote like Sulamie said…..and they were YES voters like I was, except they voted for the other guy. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, I suppose.

  10. Hi – I dedicate this post to the inspiring words of Sulamie and Mary Sunshine.
    I aim this post at RINOs and trolls.

    I am an atheist (sorry, but I lost my faith 20+ years ago – it happens). I thought I should declare that up front to avoid any conflict of interest arguments from loser trolls. I retain enough awareness to recognize politically correct BS when I see it.

    I voted yes on Prop 8, because same sex couples already have the same rights in California as heterosexuals. Domestic partnerships have the same rights and responsibilities under California law, as heterosexual couples, (look it up if you think I am full of it). Separation of church and state is not part of the US constitution, but is an understood (by conservatives) restriction on government power. Freedom of religion is part of our constitution. Using the courts to attack religion is Marxist BS that is diametrically opposed to the US constitution.

    Attacking religion and the opposition is the first strategy of the “No on Prop 8 crowd”. The “No on prop 8” crowd always portrayed “Yes on Prop 8” voters as bigots in their commercials, but failed to provide any factual arguments. As an independent, ad hominem attacks really piss me off, and inspire me to dig deeper, (Lie to me, and you have lost my vote you commie thugs). I could care less what adults do in their bedrooms, but I will not sit idle while Marxist thugs accuse me of being racist/sexist because I support religious freedoms.

    I care about what Marxist “educators” are allowed to teach our children. I know the gay-marriage Nazis will say Prop 8 has nothing to do with kids, but California law says that grades 5-12 must be taught about marriage (I do not know how to make the word “must” bold, but I would if I could) (again – look it up if you think I am full of it). Marxism says destroy the family and you can destroy the culture.

    I will fight against the Marxist PC BS until Obama’s brown-shirts deprive me of the right to breathing.

    If you want to experience an exercise in futility, debate an education major (BS, MS, PHD doesn’t mater the degree of indoctrination, they are zombies once the BS is in sight) about the merits of capitalism and Marxism. They have consumed so much Kool-Aid they are incapable of introspection.

    The Marxist puppets in our education system think it is their responsibility to teach kids about homosexuality, when their only responsibility is to teach the three R’s and to protect our kids from predators. Brown-shirted teachers should not indoctrinate innocent children. Let’s be honest. Kids younger than 10 believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny. The government has no business requiring them to learn about the bedroom practices of adults. I live in the Peoples Republic of California, so this may be a foreign concept to my neighbors.

    I challenged the reader to look up my assertions about California law. Assuming you are lazy Marxist that are too indoctrinated to look on your own, here are the links: (CA domestic partner law), (CA education law).

    Choke on the truth.

  11. I had a few drinks tonight. I hope #21 wasn’t too racist and incoherent for IMAO. It is awaiting moderation, so time will tell.

    BTW, I prefer to pronounce IMAO as “I-Mao”, (think what would a deceased Chinese Communist dictator declaring his identity in an ESL situation say). I saw a video from our fearless leader and his squeeze a year or so ago where they spelled it out as I M A O. Sorry, but that just oozes estrogen. I-MAO, pronounced like you are a commie dictator ready to kill a hundred million of your minions just fits better with the whole nuke the moon mentality of this website.
    Along these lines, I refer to our president elect as BHO, pronounced “Bee – Hoe”. It isn’t my fault he chose this pronunciation to give himself some street cred.

  12. HCG- You state that you are an athiest and in your post proceed to rail against Marxists and their ideals and the PC they promote and the overstepping of their agenda’s in every facet of our lives. You also state that conservatives (understand) the limits on religion as a limitation on government power.

    You make arguments that are very solid and typically associated with core conservative values.

    There is just one disconect for me. Marxists are athiests. You claim to be an athiest. The Godless position that Marxists occupy is the very thing that allows them to interject themselves in any and all areas of our lives whether or not they belong there. They do not have any (gentlemens understanding) that seems to be the bane of the conservative movement which is to play by the rules and honor first. Their anti God credentials are what enable them to function and operate with impunity. There is no right or wrong without a conscience which comes from God in the first place.

    To spare you any concerns or judgement please note that I am a Christian but, a bad one. I do not care that you are athiest and would not make an iota of effort to convince you otherwise, even though Christian doctrine tells me that is exactly what my obligation to my fellow man is first and foremost.

    After all of my ramblings I would like to connect back to my first line in this post and suggest that, a house divided among itself shall not stand. Just an observation.

  13. Kent: “I’d Love to Change the World” will be the theme song for the obama presidency. Conservatives should buy it, play it, and quote it as much as possible. Maybe we can get it to go gold again.

    The key lines, however, aren’t necessarily the ones you quoted. The key lines really are:

    I’d love to change the world,
    But I don’t know what to do…

    obama is clueless.

  14. A radio news report claims that we’re in the middle of a worldwide baby boom due to the US election. That’s right – the world’s liberals are celebrating by breeding! So, that’ll mean more mouths to feed and more votes to overcome. (Sigh…I thought the web seemed awfully quiet.)

  15. Now I know Piper is just a wee one, but her age-appropriate response to the mention of Aerosmith (“Who’s THAT?!”) is symbolic of the disregard by much of our current voting populace to comprehend figures, events, and influences throughout history.

    With The O, they didn’t have to even think, let alone consider big words like Socialism, Tyranny, and Unconstitutional. He made it easy. All they had to do was hold out their hands and he gave them candy, even for dinner.

    But like every dentist and mom knows, eventually there will be:
    – cavities (painful and ugly implementation of Socialist agendas),
    – broken teeth (the chipping away at our nation’s moral fiber),
    – worn enamel (the weariness of workers upon which rests the weight of patriotism and ethical and financial responsibility)
    – gum disease (invasion of our rights and liberties),
    – bone loss (the relinquishment of our stature as the greatest nation on god’s green earth and possibility life itself at the hands of our enemies)
    – and massive bills (unquestionable great expense to families, businesses, the market, and our allies).

    No candy for me, please.

  16. #27 – Idaho Spud,
    as regards your comment to HCG:

    It’s not atheism that causes Marxists to loose their consciences, only an excuse to disregard its promptings.
    Muslim terrorists use their faith as an excuse to commit acts of insane cruelty, without any aparent twinge of conscience.
    Centuries ago ‘professing’ Christians also used the faith they claimed to practice as an excuse for invading, conquering, enslaving and exploiting just about anyone they thought they could take down, best 2 out of 3.
    Not so much, today.
    Hindu radicals in India are terrorizing Christian minorities in some parts of the sub-continent, and no doubt using the ‘higher truth’ of their faith as an excuse for the attrocities they commit.
    It’s not just a Marxist thing, or an atheist thing, it’s a human thing.

    Lewis said that the 2 elements of all practical philosophy are:
    1. We all have consciences – the small persistant voice that tells us what we ought to do.
    2. We don’t listen to it. (explaining this riddle is what philosopy and theology is all about).

    Our excuses are countless, but the extremity of our violations of conscience are due more to the Grace of God (or the random collision of atoms coincidentally acting to our benefit – whatever your outlook allows) than to any personal gifts of character we may possess.
    The desire to find an excuse to disregard the demands of conscience is almost as old as our race. (“Am I my brother’s keeper?”)

    I don’t have to believe in God to follow my conscience, but it helps.
    But even God can (and has) been used as an excuse for evil.

    Remember who first spoke those lines about ‘a house divided’ and to whose house He was referring.

    If I limit my actions because of the dictates of my conscience, and not because I fear what men can do to me, that’s not a weakness – That’s the core of my strength. FWIW.

  17. We have raised 5 conservative children, 3 of whom have married conservative spouses and are now raising little conservative children. We did that by teaching them correct principles, modeling appropriate behavior and helping them to have faith in God, love of country and a spirit of self reliance.

    It’s time we take back the teaching of our children. It’s time we got off our collective posterior and went to church. It’s time we stopped acting like children and put away childish things and got down to business. It’s time insisted our leaders conform to our ideals not we to theirs.

    Mostly it’s time we found leaders with courage, integrity and faith to lead our country into the future. People who do more than parrot the party line. People like Sarah Palin who, like her or not, talks the talk and walks the walk. Politics as usual in the Republican party have got to stop and quasi-conservatives should not be welcome here. Let them go to the dark side if they want, we don’t want them here.

  18. hahahaha – just glad to see you is all! I hope this doesn’t sound strange, but the other day I woke up thinking about you! Usually when that happens I figure I’m supposed to pray for that person – so I did! Hope you and yours are well.

  19. Oh and ps – you’re like a cyber-sister to me (haha). You know, we’re both moms, your name starts with S, mine starts with S, you’re Irish (I think I read that somewhere once!) and my hubby is Irish (making my kids Irish – esp. my youngest son Matty, short for Matthew, BOY that one got ALL the Irish, it seems!)

    Okedokee I’m done now. A little giddy is all – see the effect you have on me?????

  20. correction: That’s philosophy, not philosopy.
    footnote: When I said, ‘I don’t have to believe in God to follow my conscience, but it helps’,
    I should have said, ‘I don’t have a snow-ball’s chance in hell of following my conscience Without God’s help, But I didn’t realize that until I tried and failed about a gazillion times!’
    Just wanted to clarify that; thanks!

    Seanmahair! We missed you!
    My mom told me she voted for That One.
    Can I adopt you, or visa-versa?

  21. Yes 4 of 7 I will adopt you (cyberlly of course). Your mother still loves you though so be a good example and love her anyway. My husband’s 83 year old mother changed parties this election and for the first time ever, voted Republican, so there’s hope.

    Sulamie I would be honored to be thought of as your cyber sista’. Thank you for the prayers, last week was trying but I’m coming around.

    DC an old friend who spoke some Gaelic told me it means Grandmother. That’s the new stage of my life. I have 4 grandbabies under 3 and one more on the way. My mother in law used to say “If I had know grandchildren were this much fun I’d have had them first”. I now know what she means. I once thought there was no way I could love anyone as much as I love my own children but I was wrong. Grandchildren take love to a whole other level. This is the reward I won for the sacrifices I made for my children and it is one of the most wonderful experiences I’ve ever had.

    God Bless.

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