I Sipped the Obama Kool-Aid

Though I never would have voted Obama in a billion years, I realize I drank a little of the Obama Kool-Aid as I’m actually surprised by what a monumental screw up he’s been so far. I expected him to temper his liberal politics with a bit of pragmatism — much like Bill Clinton — and didn’t expect him to be this blundering. Cutting health care for wounded vets? That’s so horrible, you think it should be a rumor on Snopes. The thing is, there really was no reason to think Obama would be any better than he’s being; how would you expect someone with no accomplishments and no leadership to act as president? I actually fell for “Obama sounds smart so he must be smart.” Now I guess we get to find out what it’s like to have a president as dumb as George W. Bush sounded.


  1. I have to admit the same. I never realized that it was never The Magic Negro talking but The Magic Teleprompter all along! The problem so far has been that the Teleprompter only gives Barry speeches but not policy decisions and it obviously didn’t pick his cabinet for him. And there’s the little problem with Barry first not understanding the content of the speeches and then thinking we are all rubes and don’t understand that he’s doing exactly the opposite of what he’s saying…

  2. HA HA, I knew all along that the communist was retarded. No food dye mustache here.

    You could hear it in his voice when the teleprompter was too slow. The *forbidden* boy has done nothing, accomplished nothing, and was an affirmative action acceptee into what has turned out to be one of the worst schools ever concieved. The *forbidden* in the White House has never been honest with anybody, at anytime, ever. He was taught by bill ayers, saul aulinski, jerimiah wright, and subscribes to the teachings of karl marx, of course he is a retard. The only bigger idiots are the ones that believed him and the ones that voted for him. they are the ones that should be institutionalized, ridiculed, and punched like hippies.

  3. I for one can proudly say I didn’t even consider drinking the Kool-Aid. I didn’t fall for the false messiah Obama’s snake oil sales pitch. I do however feel sorry for all those foolish people who drank the Kool-Aid and thought that ONE was some sort of savoir. They are slowly starting to wake up and realize his change is not the change America wants or needs. These are the people who will get hurt the most by the mighty Obama. The blind ones who still think Obama can walk on water and do all sorts of magical mystical voodoo….well they can’t be helped, reasoned with, or saved.

  4. There was a point during the campaigns where I felt like a conspiracy theorist. I was so worried that Obama would do horrible things to the country and it would never be the same again. After the election and before the innaguaration, there were a couple of acts that made me think: maybe he will be pragmatic and maybe I just got sucked into all the craziness of the web.

    But guess what? All the stuff I was worried about is happening.

    Now I’m starting to think there really is something to the birth certificate conspiracy and the lack of educational transcripts, etc. I’m hoping that one a few of the left wing crazies decide he’s not what they thought, they’ll start digging up the dirt (which they should have done in the first place) They are good at that ya know.

  5. I’m surprised not at all. I predicted to some friends that they would very soon discover what a really incompetent president looks like.

    I’ve been calling this the Funniest End of Civilization Ever and he’s a huge part of that.

    We have the decision makers in this country right now who believe all sorts of things that just aren’t so.
    For instance, they’re looking to start a trade war with China (and probably India) and further bankrupt this country because of Global Worming. CO2 isn’t a pollutant, it’s freaking plant food.

    We’re all screwed, just accept that and do what I’m doing, buy stuff that’s the pinnacle of Western Civilization before it’s too late.
    I have a late-model Mustang conv and a crap-load of really cool guns, one of mine was on an episode of “Future Weapons”.
    Remembering that’ll help warm me almost as much as burning my books as I squat in my cave.

  6. It became clear early on that Obama’s elevated hubris, narcissism, cynicism, anti-Americanism, politics of envy and neo-communist political ideology all preceded his total lack of knowledge and experience in government. Those are observations that anyone could have made if they payed attention starting just a year ago. But the 52% who voted for him didn’t want to look – and they’re the reason we now have the worst and most dangerous president in our nation’s history. It’s because WE are the worst and most dangerous ELECTORATE in our nation’s history.

    A man of my years is free to say “I told you so” because he’s been around the planet a few times. But I told you so – here, in fact.

  7. I do however feel sorry for all those foolish people who drank the Kool-Aid and thought that ONE was some sort of savoir. They are slowly starting to wake up and realize his change is not the change America wants or needs. These are the people who will get hurt the most by the mighty Obama.

    I don’t feel sorry for them at all. The people that voted for him are exactly the ones that need to take the responsibility for their choices.

    It’s those of us who voted against the socialization of America that I feel sorry for, and even then I don’t feel sorry for us either, because at least we have the gift of mockery, sense of humor, self-reliance, and yes, “We told you so” on our side.

  8. If George Bush sounded dumb which was the MSM mantra, he nonetheless delivered a majority of his speeches without a telepromter. For Obama to be as dumb as George Bush sounded while using a telepromter raises and additional question. How much dumber is Obama than most of us actually think he is if he had no telepromter at all?

    Frank, I don’t know how much Kool-Aid you drank and would not have sucpected any if you had not mentioned it, however, your post, In My World: The Speech Master could at least be your napkin (Oct 9,08) Very appropriate in light of recent days.

    If you “sipped” a little Kool-Aid there were still those that drank so much they became drunk, and are still intoxicated today. In a few days the O forces will take their pledge to Obama to the streets. Knock Knock will not be a joke!

  9. The issue with the veterans doesn’t suprise me. I see what they were looking at. They were thinking that if we have these veterans pay with their insurance for combat related injuries then we can provide care to more soldiers and use the savings to help the more unfortunate part of our society buy Crack. To a liberals this is a good plan.

    To everyone else this is an outrage. I understand looking at this plan to possibly see if this could improve standards across the VA. I just never expected a guy with a law degree from Harvard and a former four star general to be so completely stupid to actualy tell someone. But General Shinseki was the general that wanted his solders to wear the black Beret so our forces would look cool like the French.

  10. I’ve been stewing for a while and I have other points I’d like to make: I really want to laugh at it all. It is almost comical, the whole administration. I spend my time in front of the computer or TV with my jaw on teh floor because it’s just so insane! The thing that keeps me from laughing is that my love for country is serious and it saddens me to see the direction we are headed.

    Now we know why O picked Biden as his VP: he’s the only guy around who is stupider. If O was impeached, we’d have Biden…..but then, would it be worse?

    Now they want to release Gitmo detainees in to the US? Don’t call them terrorists though…it wouldn’t be nice! It’s like they are begging for an attack

    Everything this administration does is completely backassward. The idea of NOT paying for Veteran car, releasing terrorists into the US, interrogating Liddy for things that were set inplace before he was tapped to fix AIG.

    Heck anything that come out of Obama’s mouth you should just assume the opposite. He says hes’ not in favor of big government as the pen is in his hand signing the biggest spending bill in history. He says everything will be transparant…..yet nothing about him has been so.

    I sincerly believe there is something evil behind this whole administration. I have seen nothing that will benefit our country happen in the past two months….only things that will contribute to our demise.

  11. PammyV said:

    There was a point during the campaigns where I felt like a conspiracy theorist. I was so worried that Obama would do horrible things to the country and it would never be the same again. After the election and before the innaguaration, there were a couple of acts that made me think: maybe he will be pragmatic and maybe I just got sucked into all the craziness of the web.

    But guess what? All the stuff I was worried about is happening.

    Now I’m starting to think there really is something to the birth certificate conspiracy and the lack of educational transcripts, etc. I’m hoping that one a few of the left wing crazies decide he’s not what they thought, they’ll start digging up the dirt (which they should have done in the first place) They are good at that ya know.

    Everytime I felt like I was too paranoid, something else would come out. Rev. Wright, money from Hamas, I mean, I can’t even remember everything.

    And people still voted for him. And people still voted for him.

    That’s when my brain freezes up.

  12. The thing that makes me most angry is that libs are SO freaking short sighted that in 2010 they won’t even remember all this crap. That’s what they’re banking on. Hubby and I CANNOT wait for the Obama crazies to come to the door. We are very prepared.

  13. Indeed, Pammy (and Marko), try as we do to find humor in what’s happening, it’s getting really hard to keep it up. I think political humor is based on an optimistic outlook on life and a belief that people are basically good. If you can point out people’s follies with laughter, you make your point and allow all to get the insight, possibly correct their ways and move on. Humor is a face-saving offering from an insightful mind. (Interesting, those insightful minds are right here on this blog.)

    But laughing at true evil is sick and an evasion of reality as it will not help. So where do we stand? Is this government truly evil and do we give up laughing about it? Or are the rational optimists in the country going to win with their patience, good humor and persistent guidance?

    I don’t have that answer – which disturbs me. My confidence in my own countrymen is quite shaken.

  14. Every time someone tried to mollify my rabid denouncements of Jug Ears by saying he was just making promises to get in, then would listen to cooler heads, I just laughed at them, told them it would be much worse, an called them retarded.

    No Kool-Aid for me. Ever. I’ve been sipping the cool water of Freedom ever since my brain started fully-functioning in Junior High. I think the only reason you even thought that he might be moderate, Frank, was purely defensive. Your brain had to trick you lest your psyche melt into a puddle and you lash out with .45 Caliber Id flying in every direction.

  15. Pingback: I Sipped the Obama Kool-Aid | Real Rumors

  16. A mistake that a good many people, on both sides of the isle, are making, is thinking that a Kenyan/Indonesian, muslim-schooled, illegal alien communist revolutionary, with Islamic radical, commie bomber, and cop-killer buddies GIVES A RAT’S ROSY RED ASS about what his ideological enemies think about ANYTHING in the entire universe. The Dictator does do not give a flying *%#@ what we think, as he is now totally in power, he’ll take care of our re-education forthwith.

  17. Pingback: Musical interlude: Congress to AIG « The Tiger in DC

  18. Nothing Obambi has done has surprised me. Even he knew before he was ever nominated that he didn’t have the skills to be a senator, much less a leader. The cult of personality following him like hippies following The Grateful Dead made it easy for him to inflate his ego & believe that, despite all evidence to the contrary, he could handle the responsibility.

    Clearly he cannot, and the scary part is that this is just the beginning. I read somewhere that the duties of leadership tend to broaden ones perspective. If only in this case, but obviously not. The people behind Obambi & every other Democrat puppet in the last 20 years are only interested in turning every aspect of modern life into a social experiment, where change, good or bad, is still progress nonetheless.

    Reason isn’t even an afterthought. All that matters is action that, even if their intentions were actually noble, still resulted in negative consequences for everyone; just look at how affirmative action has negated individual accomplishments for “feel good” policies. Look at how they are increasingly sending the message that no one has the right to do things or eat things that may or may not bad for them. Look at how they, in essence, want to punish individuals & businesses that are successful.

    Now Obambi – to no one’s surprise – wants to impose higher taxes in a bid to “soak the rich”, the “rich” in this case being easily redefined to mean anyone making more than the average welfare recipient recieves (as in financial assitance, WIC, EBT, health care, rent & school discounts, and the administrative costs for the agencies that provide all these goodies that reward illegal aliens & opportunistic Americans for being too lazy or stupid to take responsibility for their own lives). Poverty is a temporary condition, or at least it should be, that affects roughly just 3% of the overall population, and it isn’t the same 3% year after year. People go through rough patches in life, but the smart ones find a way out.

  19. It’s not ridiculous that he’s already America’s worst president…he’s an ignorant elitist idiot, so what kind of president could he be? What’s ridiculous is that his approval numbers have still not tanked. About the only evil thing he’s not yet done involves a puppy and a blender…although, the mainstream media being what it is, they may just be censoring the puppy/blender activity.

  20. Praying for The President
    and Others in Authority:

    Pray that our elected officials would:

    1. Recognize their personal sinfulness and need for the cleansing power of Jesus Christ.
    2. Understand their inadequacy for the task before them and their need to pray for God’s wisdom, knowledge, and courage.
    3. Reject all counsel that violates the spiritual principles of God’s Word and be willing to trust God to lead them in the right direction.
    4. Resist the pressures of those who would lead them astray or tempt them to disobey the Lord and His will for their lives.
    5. Work to reverse the trend toward ungodliness in our land and to restore America’s Christ-centered values.
    6. Be prepared to make godly choices in the best interest of America, regardless of the cost.
    7. Rely upon the Word of God and prayer for strength and success.
    8. Maintain dignity, honor, trustworthiness, and righteousness in office.
    9. Strive to be a godly example to the men, women, and children of this land.
    10. Remember that while in office, they are accountable to God for their attitudes, actions, and motives.

    (No offense meant to non-Christians of good will.
    I could have modified these prayer intentions with some reference to ‘A Higher Power’ like in the AA 12 step program instead of ‘Jesus’, ‘Christ’, ‘God’ and ‘Lord’; but with These elected officials, their possible idea of ‘A Higher Power’ was just too scary to think about.)

    “If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God;
    if we are in our right mind, it is for you.”
    – II Corinthians 5:13

  21. You have got to be kidding me about the teleprompter this President has put himself out there EVERYDAY and owned up when he any mistakes he’s made he speaks eloquently and knowledgable. Unlike the retard that you haters elected for 8 years….I believe he will turn this country around and all you haters ought to move to Mexico if you think it’s so bad here.

  22. I voted for Obama and I have a few points for you all to ponder:
    1. I actually work as an investment advisor rep and so have to follow the markets and the economy all of the time. Understand that this is the WORST economy since HOOVER was president, that being the case, there is NO ONE currently alive that has ANY experience in dealing with a situation like this!
    2. He inherited this situation. As far as I can tell, the idea of the government bailing out crappy companies started a long, long time ago. Think Chrysler!
    3. The greed, class envy and the need for imediate satisfaction of the AMERICAN CONSUMER caused ALL of this! We can’t wait patiently for anything. We have to have what everyone else has, even if we can’t afford it!
    4. The recent bail out situation was started by BUSH, but I guess we Liberal are the only ones w/short memories!
    5. BUSH hired Hank Paulson, who made things WORSE by flip-flopping on his ideas!
    6. As far as AIG goes, unlike some conservative talk show hosts have been saying, Obama does have the power to approve of a companies bonus program. This is probably becase HE DOESNT WORK THERE AND THE BONUSES WOULD HAVE BEEN APPROVED A LONG TIME AGO!!
    7. There is no “correct” choice here, no matter what move he tries to make, it’s going to hurt someone.
    8. Thankfully, none of the decisions that Obama has made so far have actually led to the deaths of Americans! (Think Bush and Iraq!).
    9. regarding the housing issue, when I bought my home I don’t recall Obama, Bush,The Mafia, or anyonelse being there forcing me to sign the forms. It was my decision and my responsibility.

    Finally, I really think that we need to take the medicine and go through whatever economic cycle is due to us. This is NOT OBAMA fault, it’s the fault of the American Consumer.Although he will go down either as a mediocre president at best, it’s not his fault. Think Phil Jackson trying to coach a basketball team full of misfits with their own agendas, lack of coordination, bad attitudes and “me first” mentalities! IT WILL NOT WORK!!

  23. Number one rule of leadership: Everything is your fault! Now stand up and be a leader you liberal POS. Oh yeah, I forgot, you have no leadership or financial experience, and your personal accountability is lower than most lifetime welfare recipients. Will this idiot even make it to 2012 or will he suffer from a complete mental breakdown when he realizes that the only transparency in his leadership is that everyone is starting to see through his BS

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