Is it just me, or is Biden kinda an idiot?
Of course, it’s not like Palin would be any smarter about the flu. She’d probably be flying around in a helicopter shooting at it.
I wonder if Obama would sound as crazy as Biden if he didn’t have his teleprompter to tell him what to say?
If a chimp goes on a shooting spree, how long after the incident do you have to wait to laugh at how funny that is?
I have to say that press conference the other night got a little weird when the New York Times reporter started humping Obama’s leg.
The issue isn’t about moving the Republican Party further to the right, it’s about being coherent in actually standing for something.
Seeing Iran and North Korea, what’s the chance Iraq wouldn’t have nukes now if we didn’t invade them?
Possible replacements for Souter: Stack of old newspapers, box of hammers, discarded rags.
I don’t think Souter quit under his own volition. I think he was murdered!
RE: Souter,
Ladies and Gentleman, Justice Juan Hernandez.
Yes Frank, biden is an idiot. Its not just you.
I am glad to see souter retire, I am also glad he lost his ancestral home to emminent domain. I think there are 3 pakistanis and a cab company there now.
The sadder part about the new yourk times humping osamas leg is that he humped back.
20 minutes unless its in a Red state, then 3 months.
“I have to say that press conference last night got a little weird when the New York Times reporter started humping Obama’s leg.”
Show some sensitivity here, Frank. Did you ever, for even a moment, stop to think how John McCain felt watching that display? There was HIS New York Times slobbering over another socialist. Go ahead. Make your little jokes. But, while you were writing your little “funnies,” a war hero was crying himself to sleep.
There was a presser last night?
I wonder if Obama would sound as crazy as Biden if he didn’t have his teleprompter to tell him what to say?”
Not, um, ah, era, a a aa, um as crazy. jus jus jus jus um in in in in ah um in incomp pe pe pe pe pe incompetent.
Biden is the reason Obama will never be impeached.
Everyone in the Obama administration is an idiot, high, or retarted. The sad part is Joe The Biden might be the smart one of the group……
The even dumber ones are those that support that teleprompter moron. talk about a bunch of unhinged looneys. biden may not be the brightest bulb in the string, but he is definately smarter than 52.7% of voting population that voted for that one.
“Of course, it’s not like Palin would be any smarter about the flu. She’d probably be flying around in a helicopter shooting at it.”
Or, as opposed to that Obama slobbering MSM sound bite of a comment, she might be having the Alaska Department of Health & Social Services set up a web portal for information on pandemic flu, do monitoring for potential/probable cases of H1N1, issue situation reports to Alaska citizens, pre-stage anti-virals around the state, etc… you know, the things that she actually is doing ?
As a box of hammers can be useful, I submit it would be overqualified to replace Souter
-Is it just me, or is Biden kinda an idiot? –
I’m surprised you even had to ask.
-I wonder if Obama would sound as crazy as Biden if he didn’t have his teleprompter to tell him what to say?-
No, when Sorros falls asleep in the middle of typing, we just get lessons in the creative uses of “Uhhh…errrr…ummm.” Actually, when That One goes into that mode, he’s probably campaigning to his main base…12 year old mall-rat valley girls from the left coast.
-If a chimp goes on a shooting spree, how long after the incident do you have to wait to laugh at how funny that is?-
6 months ago, it would have been funny right away. For the next 1359 days, if you even mention a chimp, you are racist.
-I have to say that press conference the other night got a little weird when the New York Times reporter started humping Obama’s leg.-
No, that’s just business as usual for the MSM. Weird would be Keith Oberman saying something intelligent, the NYT asking Obama an unscripted question, seeing Ted Kennedy sober or Michael Moore making an actual documentary.
To call people in the Obama administration ‘idiot’, ‘moron’, ‘retarded’ or just plain stupid is an insult to stupid, idiotic, retarded morons the world over, and I am appalled to think that there are people here who partake in that kind of activity. You people are worse than the people you dispise. If you are going to hate the obambi, quit making excuses for why. Like me you should all just hate the lying, socialst, unqualified, usurping, mulatto son-of-a-bitch, because he is a lying, socialist, unqualified, usurping, mulatto, son-of-a-bitch.
– If a chimp goes on a shooting spree, how long after the incident do you have to wait to laugh at how funny that is?-
If it’s at Jeanine Garafolo’s house, we could start busting a gut right away.