Here’s my Pajamas Media article on the future of the Republican Party. I think I’m the only one who bases my recommendations on a realistic look of what lies ahead.
Here’s my Pajamas Media article on the future of the Republican Party. I think I’m the only one who bases my recommendations on a realistic look of what lies ahead.
Sounds reasonable for the most part. Of course we need to find leaders who are not afraid to stockpile large amounts of arms and ammunition, because let’s face it, they will be the future leaders anyway. Might as well make them important party officials now so that we have a good relationship with them.
I like the loose confederation of warlords idea. I call Central Pennsylvania, the coal region of NE PA, and Maryland (excluding Baltimore). However, I am willing to sell Maryland to the highest bidder.
So how do we know that you warlords that are hoarding all that easy liberal labor wont invade the rest of us with your liberal armies? Oh wait, thats right, duh, liberals hate labor and would never fight in an army. My bad.
as long as I’ve got the three G’s(guns, girls, and gas) I’m good.
Your sober, yet uplifting look at the future of the Grand Old Party was really what we needed this morning — in fact, every morning. It seems clear that when Michael Steele steps down as RNC Chairman, Frank J should take over. We can dispense with the formality of a vote, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.
In fact, I think you deserve an award. Has anyone ever given you an award?
Guess what guys? Only rich people buy cars! $1300 more a vehicle, coming soon!
Its going to be scary, but history is a b*tch this way . . . its not like “some” or “most” empires fall (and yes, we are one). They ALL do. Only the details differ.
Will you be courageous enough to put your nose to the grindstone and work to help us all adapt. Or will you throw a temper tantrum . . . “if — if — WE can’t be #1 NOBODY can! “
As I have been saying for weeks now, this is one of the most clear-thinking and situationally aware blogs on the Internet, or even the web itself. Maybe even in the whole State of Delaware.
Finally, someone has paid attention, and given you a major award.
Don’t get cocky.
And, of course the most hilarious part of the AO time period, in which the loose confederation of warlords rule over the smoking remains of America, will be the sandles and backpack-wearing liberal students, studying a course entitled Warlord 101 in a makeshift liberal college, taught by a bearded wimp who’s never actually been a warlord, in hopes of someday being a warlord themselves. FAIL.
Frank, are you sure you’re not secretly a liberal?
If the choice is between starvation or eating a liberalcrat, I’ll stave off starvation by eating my boots first. Or even worse, tofu.
Don’t eat the tofu, eat the liberal.
Tofu tastes like crap, liberal probably taste like chicken.
“…a loose confederation of warlords.” Better hurry up if want to compete with the OBAMACORN.
It is a know fact that in the coming days, those who beat their swords into plowshares will be forced to plow for those of us who didn’t. Even Jesus told his disciples to get armed shortly before his ascension.
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Pingback: How come the crowds at republican rallies, tea party protest, and the majority of news watchers for fox is? | College Republicans