Two From the News

* Obama spoke to doctors from all 50 states in the Rose Garden of the White House. Which was a complete waste of taxpayer dollars, since the doctor from Hawaii forgot to bring Obama’s birth certificate along with him.

* The NAACP is registering voters at prisons in Maine, raising the obvious question… there are black people in Maine?


  1. * Obama spoke to doctors from all 50 states in the Rose Garden of the White House.”

    Oh, how positively democratic of him. Yeah, ya know, doctor’s attitudes might vary from state-to-state. We need to make sure the doctor’s state (the state’s doctor) is heard from. Um, yeah.

    I wonder who the schlock was from my state that would be willing to go there – unless to object (in which case he/she would’d be a schlock).

  2. Did they buy them all new White lab coats? Were they even Doctors? Could they have been out of work bit part actors? It all stinks of smoke and mirrors. Would you play poker with this man if he was dealing? Wake Up America!

  3. Who paid for the good doctors’ travel? Us, I suppose. They must have put the travel expenses on Michelle’s tab.

    I wish the White House had issued them some of those reflector-y headband things to accessorize their “spiffy” brand new sparkling-white lab coats. Then, and only then, could we be absolutely certain they are REAL doctors!

  4. “Obama spoke to doctors from all 50 states in the Rose Garden of the White House.”

    Since people finally realized that Kanye West is a talentless douche, causing him to cancel his upcoming tour, couldn’t we just hire Kanye to walk up onstage every time Barry’s going to make one of his ridiculous speeches and take the microphone away from him?

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