Should we as a society wear more sashes?
Sashes help denote rank and keep order. Everyone knows the person with the mayor sash is the mayor and the person with a mechanic sash is a car mechanic. But does this lead to elitism? Wasn’t it the dream of the Founding Fathers that we become a sashless society? And how does one limit themselves to one sash? Do I wear my blogger sash, my engineer sash, or the world’s greatest grandpa sash that I stole from someone?
Complicated questions without easy answers. What say you?
or my puppy fur sash?
Would I be forced to wear my “Curmudgeon in Training” sash?
One must wear a sash at all times. How else could you properly display your merit badges?
Well some people (not you) aren’t good enough for sashes. Do we just give them a small ribbon to wear until they work themselves up to a sash or do we just point and laugh?
Wait, don’t the French wear sashes? Who’d want to be like them?
This is creeping elitism. When we move to an all sash society, how long before someone starts clamoring for medallions? Where does it all end?
This is a question that has been keeping me up nights for some time now.
When is congress going to stop piddling with the insurance and cap and trade scams and get on to business more to their ability level like mandatory sashes?
First a sashless society, then the mark of the beast. All coming in 2012. Ask Pon Raul.
World’s greatest grandpa sash? Does SarahK know about this?
Is it wise to wear my concealed carry with a Big Gun sash, or should the bad guys not get any warning?
Relic, what’s your problem with medallions? I’d prefer medallions over sashes. I want a medallion with a T-Rex rampant and “NEMO ME IMPUNE LACESSIT” engraved on it!
A sash-based society would be too complex. Rather, some of us should have stars on our bellies, and the rest should not.
I’m all for the new ‘Cap-‘n-Sash’ law with a ‘Public Option.’ This way, the gubmint can stimulate competition while providing Cap’s and Sashes to the 43 million people who can’t afford them.
I wouldn’t mind walking around wearing Sascha Knopf.
Another possiblity is a Cap-‘n-Slash. That’s where you cut of their heads and cap ’em you know where (with Democrats, of course). I’ll defer to ussjimmycarter expertise on this matter.
I can see an enforcement issue. How would one denote an authentic sash from a counterfit? There is already a black market cottage industry to provide authentic looking fake sashes to illegals. Perhaps chips could be imbedded into authentic sashes, while roving bands of laser rifle equiped elephants roam the streets with sash detectors, eliminating on the spot any scofflaws who cannot abide by the rules set in place for sash use.
Of course the hippies will muck it up with stupid tye dye sashes.
I want desert cammo!!
I disapprove of the sash system. We have insufficient resources to produce the sissy sashes that all the liberals would require.
A sash would be the exclamation point of President PantyWaist’s window dressing ditherings. He’d just have to make sure it didn’t clash with his ruffles.
Sashes, medallions, it doesn’t matter. The key to this, as for any plan, is that everyone will be forced to obey. Else jail time. But we’ll can call it the Sash Option.
Or better yet, the Fairness Consumer Equality Peace Affirmative Choice Option.
When Michelle Obama starts wearing a sash, they’ll be in style. At least that’s what we’ll be told. And don’t laugh. She actually used to wear them when she appeared on Star Trek.
Forget sashes. How about swords? Everyone should have a nice, shiny sword of their choice (make mine a cool Samurai sword like in Kill Bill), you just never know when you’re gonna be attacked by a gang of zombies and their close relative, The Deranged Obamazombie. Sure, an MP5 sub-machinegun would be effective but few things in life are more satisfying than looping off a few zombie heads after lunch.
I don’t care for sahes, too close to sashay, which is rather gay.
Damn it, FrankJ. You keep giving liberals ideas, they’re eventually going to make you the “Czar of Ridiculous Ideas.” You’ll get a sash that says so. (See what I did there?)
You’ve been watching Firefly again, haven’t you?
[That episode is one of the first things I think of when talking about a sash. -Ed.]
“The sash. It indicates lordhood.”
“And it’s doing a great job.”
Also, props to T.N. Amaps for the old school Dr. Suess reference.
I think we stopped with the sash thing about the time we gave the Brits the boot from our country. Since Barry is going to make us a third world country like the Brits it’s probably time to reinstate the sash once again. I’m wearing the “I’m not a homosexual” sash!
I thought sashes were for the American hating commie dictators, and the French.
storm1911 is on the right track. We have been moving toward a sashless society since 1913. Your sash is no longer backed by gold, so it is virtually worthless.
They have put a metallic strip in each sash so they can track sash movement. The Internationalists say that this is to deter sash counterfeiters, but don’t you believe them. It’s a conspiracy, man.
Patriots of all countries prefer the bandolier to the sash, however with some alteration,
the sash can be made into a bandolier, so I suppose they aren’t totally worthless
I’m all in favor of a cape. No, I don’t mean those whimpy super-hero single weave travesties; most super-heros are just a bunch of wannabes anyway. I’m talking about a serious cape such as gentlemen of the 19th century wore.
Haven’t sashes been replaced with the iconic “t-shirt with a saying”? It was a smart move; instead of just a title, one can have their political opinions, vacation destinations, list of top 10’s (you should try that sometime), offensive jabs or even the simple claim of the idiot next to him.
Yes, the Tshirt has over taken the sash….wait no, maybe it was the bumper sticker? Yeah the bumper sticker is the new sash. Forget what I said, it’s the bumper sticker. Yeah, thin strip of material, few words stated clearly…definitely the bumper sticker.
Hummm, I ‘spose being as I am the worlds greatest grandpa (according to my granddaughters) I could wear my worlds greatest grandpa sash….but these days I find my bathrobe to be so much more comfortable than my sash.
Sashes are fine and I don’t think that they encourage elitism. But if you start pushing that epaulet crap on us, there will be blood in the streets, tovarisch!
T.N. Amaps, I always had you pegged as a filthy Star-Bellied Sneetch. Weird thing, I started thinking about Star-Bellied Sneetches on the way to my car this morning. Creepy.
Sashes are a spiffy idea!!! Just think how our enemies like Iran or Berkeley could be brought to states of gibbering horror by dispatching Hillary with a sash. This assumes she would be wearing nothing else.
No, forget the sash…we must follow the shoe!!! (vague Montey Python reference)
Obviously we need a new government department to address this whole question and then once an answer has been arrived at there will have to be enforcement troops of the sash or non sash standard. the troops will wear nifty little sashes or not. ….and we’re going to need another Czar.
What say you?
I say that I’m really glad that FrankJ isn’t my grandfather, regardless of what his sash says.
do we have to wear the sash in the normal way or can we wear them hanging from our belts at the side like we did in Scouts?
This is a little off-topic, or maybe not. Isn’t a neck-tie very much like a sash? It’s a strip of cloth, it goes around the neck and is worn very near to where a sash would be.
On the other hand, a neck-tie is better than a sash, because it points at your genitals. ‘Nuff said!
I would like top wear mine without my clothes. A sash looks ever so much more fashionable in the nude.
Sashes, as an accessory, fall right between covering yourself with monkey poop and the even more horrendous Michelle Obama fashion statements. Especially the belts. But maybe Barry likes that look, a cross between heavyweight power lifter and the shelf stocker at Home Depot.
I only wear my sash under by gunbelt while at a Cowboy Action match. The sashes denote things. The red sash means that I will be shooting in the Gunfighter class, with a revolver in each hand, alternating between shots. I am more likely, though, to wear the black sash of the Soot Lords, because I like shooting black powder. Although I also qualify for the sash of the Wart Hog because all my cartridges start with .4 and I use the old heavy bullets. Unfortunately there is not yet a sash for the Soot Hog, which is the shooting group I am lobbying for recognition. Until we get our official sashes though, you can still recognise us at a shoot. We’re the ones in the cloud of smoke yellin’ YEE HAW! And when we shoot it’s not some modern-day bang. It’s the good old fashioned BOOM!
Now if the law changes to where I can wear my gunbelt in public, with both cowboy guns and my Model ’92 rifle, I’ll wear my sash out away from the shoot. Sometimes. Truth be told that gunbelt is heavy and, after a while, it gives a backache. Which is why I normally carry something smaller and lighter. And I think a concealed carry sash is kind of defeating the wholle idea.
Peter, come to AZ. We have Open Cary, so you can walk around Cowboyed up in the Grocery Store. We need more Conservatives anyway. Too many Commifornians moving to get away from the taxes, then voting for more Taxes. Oh! We also just had a “Designated Shooter” law passed where you can carry in bars, unless prohibited by properly posted signage, as long as you’re not drinking. Watch the scum try to roll drunks now!