Random Thoughts

Commenter to my PJM article mentions that Palin has been bought by people with “very large noses.” Clowns?

Anytime I use IE, I feel like I’m back to websurfing in the 90s.

“Yes, the economy is not better in any noticeable way, but look at this chart!”

I don’t remember us having all this trouble with curling when Bush was president.

So are we having a spate of left-wing violence? I would have thought an Obama win would make them less hateful and crazy. Of course, I easily see now why I was so wrong about that. Even I was susceptible to hopey changey nonsense, apparently.

Americans are smart; they’re getting all their curling losses out of the way so now they can focus just on winning.

It would really shake up male figure skating if they added a “masculinity” score.

Of course, you’d max out that score by not being in figure skating.


  1. Anytime I use IE, I feel like I’m back to websurfing in the 90s.

    Unfortunately, the website I need for my job does not render properly in anything BUT IE, and I hate going from browser to browser, so, IE it is, for me.

  2. “It would really shake up male figure skating if they added a “masculinity” score.”

    This could be accomplished very simply be bringing back the supposedly-controversial “hippie punching” element that was so popular in figure skating in the sport’s heyday but was removed to appease leftists. The host country only needs to provide one hippie per skater, so that would certainly have been no problem for Canada.

  3. We should add hippie face punching and high speed combat shooting to figure skating. That would ramp up the macho levels big time.

    The economy is performing exaclty as Obama wants it to. Just depends what Him, The GreatLlowerer of Sea Levels, considers to be success.

  4. Oh yeah ! Olympic Three gun Shooting would be kewl!

    Big Nose’s??? Snout people? Snout People have gotten together and purchased what? You gotta watch out for those snouties! They will try to take over the world…… they did it in the past. Remember the Snoutie Riots summer of 37 in Wichita KS? The only good snoutie….. is a dead snoutie………. now if I could just find out where they all live……

  5. Palin has been bought by people with “very large noses”? Jimmy Durante and Charles DeGaulle are dead.
    The Winter Olympics are so white, I’m expecting a TeaParty Protest any minute.
    This spate of Left Wing violence could have been avoided if George Booosh had funded for Midnight Curling Games.
    Male figure skating: In Living Color’s ‘Men On Film’ give it ‘the yet unheard of Zorro Snap’

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