The Apocalypse Won’t Be As Bad As You Think

According to Hoyt [High Praise!] has a (relatively) optimistic outlook on post-government-collapse America:

When the dust settles, then we’ll see what functions of government we can’t do without. I’m betting very few. Mutual defense. Territorial integrity. Keeping the peace between the States.

For the rest we’ll have to go back to learning that individual humans are not some sort of monsters, needing a boot on their necks to behave like decent beings.


  1. well I want Obama to fail. I want the Barackalypse to be BAD!

    I pray that the US Economy collapses so that Obama is deemed to be a total failure forever. And I hope that the current economic downturn carries over into the Hillary Clinton Whitehouse. I want that Evil Bitch to fail too even if it means the total collapse of America!

    And let’s get real here. America doesn’t even exist anymore. Not as founded it doesn’t. Our Constitution has been used to wipe the azz of every Commie-Liberal-Socialist in this once great land. It stinks! They ruined the Constitution.

    Its time to start over.

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