Global Cooling! Be Afraid!

[High Praise! to I’m a Man! I’m 41!]

Just a reminder: within our lifetimes, people were REALLY freaked out by this:

[YouTube direct link] (Viewer #3,385)

Click here for more global cooling nuttiness.


  1. But at least the science was settled and they had consensus, right Spock?

    -I remember watching this episode waaaay back. Looks like they didn’t destroy all the copies after all.

  2. For thrity years before 1978 the earth was cooling, but it has also been warming since the Industrial Revolution. Good thing these people are super smart, because I would voice doubts if Science! wasn’t totally on their side.

  3. The real irony is in the fact that the same guy, Dr James Hansen, head of NASA GISS, is responsible for BOTH theories! Only in Science! can you keep your job when you’re completely wrong, twice. Don’t look now but here comes the cold cycle again.

  4. Colleen McCullough wrote a best-seller (1985’s Creed for the Third Millennium) about faith and suffering while the ice is closing in. I read it in the 90’s because my wife was a fan of the book, and it would have been an absolute pants-filler for the environmentalists. Now, of course, all the art has to show Global Warming–deathless films like Waterworld, for example.

    I seem to recall having heard some schmoe claiming that global warming stopped the ice age, but would now kill us with heat instead of cold. One suspects the Miser Brothers are having us on.

  5. Kinda like this headline today: “Twenty-year hiatus in rising temperatures has climate scientists puzzled”

    Not, “Scientists May Be Wrong” or “Scientists Have No Clue What They’re Talking About” or “There Is No Global Warming For At Least 20 Years.” No, one must protect the premise and continue the assumption that global warming is real, however, we just don’t understand it. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  6. the Columbia astronauts died because of that hysteria. The foam insulation on the external tanks was originally applied with a high-CFC process, and it never caused problems. That nonsense hairspray ban caused them to change the process, which never worked well, and directly led to the death of the astronauts.

  7. the Warmists don’t know, and don’t care, whether the earth is warming. Their intent is to use whatever gimmick it takes to get all your money and force you to do their bidding.

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