Quick Reminder to Grumpy People

(Submitted by Anonymiss of Nuking Politics [High Praise!])


  1. I’ve noticed that people who use the phrase “that’s offensive” will frequently (and conveniently) omit stating the answers to the implied questions “offensive to whom?” and “for what reason?”

  2. As a grumpy person, I take offence at the idea that grumpy people are always offended, because I am almost never offended; except this time; but that is not my fault, so just shut up and STAY OFF MY LAWN!!!

  3. I’m grumpy, I’m also old, tired, disappointed, irritated, depressed and of Irish extraction. I am often offended by the things people say and do but I figure that’s my problem not someone else’s so I keep it to myself. But since I’m already mouthing off, I might as well get this off my chest (as it were).

    I’m offended by the use of the f-word. It offends me as a person, as a educated human being. As I told one “little boy” (about 20 years old) who used it as punctuation;

    ” Those who can do, those who can’t have to talk about it all the time”. If the f-word was considered as bad as the n-word I would be thrilled.

    Yes I am THAT woman.

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