Our Mistake Was Assuming a Politician Has Basic Humanity

So Filner’s lawyer is arguing the city need to pay Filner’s legal costs because it failed to give him training on sexual harassment. See, he had no idea he wasn’t supposed to sexually assault women because he wasn’t trained not to.

It’s actually a pretty good argument. When you think about it, isn’t it a huge mistake to assume a politician has any common sense or knows right from wrong? We made the same mistake with Barack Obama just assuming he knows what math is or how businesses work and look where that got us. Really, hasn’t history taught us that we should assume all politicians lack any sense whatsoever and are complete sociopaths?

Oh, I guess then the proper course of action would be to lock them all up.

Hey, I just solved politics!


  1. He a democrat, of course he doesn’t know right from wrong.

    Typical democrat, my behavior is someone else’s responsibility.

    If a normal citizen breaks the law, ignorance of the law is no excuse. If a democrat does it, its a phony scandal, and someone else should pay for it.

  2. Laugh all you will, but living that close to Tijuana can mess with a person’s expections of morality.

    Y’now, you learn to dirve most places, they teach you “defensive driving.” That doesn’t mean you drive a tank or a dinosaur with rocket launchers. It means you assume you can’t trust the other drivers will avoid mistakes, so watch for those potential mistakes and be ready for them. Likewise, the electorate should practice “defensive politics”: they should assume the guys and gals running for office shouldn’t be trusted to avoid mistakes, too. Wait. Isn’t something like this hardwired into the constitution?

  3. Politicians are the most kiniving bastards. “I didn’t know I couldn’t do that!” or “That’s technically legal” is how they generally work. Then there are the Obama types who do what they know is wrong, what they know is illegal, then when caught, stonewall and deny, deny, deny, all the while continuing with their offenses. If you think there is enough dirt on Obama to impeach him now, just wait. The worst stuff won’t be uncovered until many years from now.

    I hope then we can deport his ass back to Kenya!

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