Straight Line of the Day: President Obama Said “Raising the Debt Ceiling Does Not Promote Profligacy”…

[High Praise! to James for the suggestion]

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…


  1. President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…

    it just tranfers it to another department.
    it just keeps it safer from the rain.
    as long as both parents are consistent.

  2. President Obama Said “Raising the Debt Ceiling Does Not Promote Profligacy…

    …(hand over michrophone – slight feedback)… “Hey Joe, what does profligar, plorfyer, um *that* word mean?”

    …however, let me be clear, food stamps and obamaphones are safe.

  3. President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”… While looking up profligacy in the dictionary Joe Biden was distracted by the word ‘astute,’ Saying, “I always thought it was two words when people called me that.”

  4. President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy…wait, that can’t be a word…the teleprompter’s acting up…i must have meant to say “responsibility”…yeah, raising the debt ceiling does not promote responsibility by the government…

  5. President Obama Said “Raising the Debt Ceiling Does Not Promote Profligacy…

    … and besides, what a man or a woman does in the privacy of their own home should not be an issue. The agencies will still keep track of how often one profligates though to make sure there is no profligation gap and so that others will not be forced to go to bed without profligating.

  6. [an aside, Let us not raise the ceiling but chop them off at the knees if they want more headroom.]

    President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…

    I’m Joe Izuzu, trust me.

    that’s my job.

    but it does make you want to get down with your badself.

  7. President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…

    you can tell by the bang up job we’ve done since the last debt ceiling hike.

    but prior proper planning prevents piss poor performance.

    and you can pull the other one, it’s got bells on it.

  8. President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…

    …it’s reassuring to hear a waste of a leader speak about his area of expertise.

    …that’s a great slogan for the “Leader of the FREE World” as he hands out entitlements and unearned benefits to his followers.

    …Barry, try lowering the debt ceiling which would more certainly achieve the same result.

    …but it sure makes me want to flagellate his ass — and raise some welts.

    …but it certainly makes a fall to the debt floor last longer, much harder to survive — and hit with a bigger impact.

    …he must be referring to anti-matter in the Bizarro world.

  9. President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…

    in much the same way that finding yourself at a bar after your wife left you, your truck got stolen and your dog got run over does not promote drunkenness. Or Country & Western song writing.

  10. President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…

    …He then added, “I’ll clarify my remarks when I return from my two week vacation…”

    …Just as raising Cain did not cause Abel’s murder.”

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