[High Praise! to James for the suggestion]
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
[High Praise! to James for the suggestion]
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
and “rain does not make stuff wet.”
“… and by the way, can you lend a drunken sailor a couple of bucks?”
“… just as raising the height of an attic’s roof does not allow you to pack more useless stuff in it.”
If it dosn’t promote profligacy then what hell use is there in raising it?
…but it does promote a lot of people checking their dictionary to find out what the heck ‘Profligacy’ means.
… He continued “We’ll l spend profligately if the debt ceiling is raised or not.”
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy… we’d be prolifigate anyway.”
…I said profligacy. Buy a Thesaurus, teabagger!”
…He continued “Because the people spending the money work for me. I’m the one who promotes them for spending profligately.”
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy… we’d be profligate anyway.” (corrected)
and congress will vote for it since only a pontificating a$$hole like myself would use the word profligacy
@#8 even funnier right after my typeo
…profligacy promotes the need for a debt ceiling
You will be issued your newspeak dictionaries from miniplenty doubleplus soon.
President Obama Said “Raising the Debt Ceiling Does Not Promote Profligacy…that is my froward thinking comment of the day.”
…, that’s what my vacation spending is for.
…near as much as the Fed printing $85 billion a week does.
…no more than free beer promotes drinking.
@#17 should be $85 billion a month – even the Fed’s profligacy has some bounds!
He’s right. The “debt ceiling” is obsolete. The FED has taken over bankrolling our spending. We’re being bankrolled!
Shut it down.
… but it might promote obfuscation.
… and if we raise the debt floor to, say, higher than the debt carpet and debt furniture, nobody will even notice!
…to which Conservatives replied, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
…and store-bought cookies are just as good as homemade.
@22: … raising the debt ceiling will allow us to install a debt chandelier in Obama’s honor.
…to which Rand Paul said, “You realize that one definition of profligacy is ‘great abundance’ don’t you? In that context, I agree whole-heartedly.”
…and Joe Biden said that profligacy should remain rare, safe and legal.
…and his nose grew.
…and lowering moral standards does not promote promiscuity.
…and the press chanted, “So it is said. So shall it be written.”
…and then blew a wad of snot trying not to laugh out loud.
…no more than free condoms promote promiscuity.
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
it just tranfers it to another department.
it just keeps it safer from the rain.
as long as both parents are consistent.
President Obama Said “Raising the Debt Ceiling Does Not Promote Profligacy…
…(hand over michrophone – slight feedback)… “Hey Joe, what does profligar, plorfyer, um *that* word mean?”
…however, let me be clear, food stamps and obamaphones are safe.
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”… While looking up profligacy in the dictionary Joe Biden was distracted by the word ‘astute,’ Saying, “I always thought it was two words when people called me that.”
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”… “and I will appoint a new Anti-Profligacy Czar, Cabinet position, and department to make sure it stays that way.”
@35 who has ever called Joe Biden “astute”? 🙂
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy…wait, that can’t be a word…the teleprompter’s acting up…i must have meant to say “responsibility”…yeah, raising the debt ceiling does not promote responsibility by the government…
@37 He heard it correctly as two words. (hint: say each syllable slowly and clearly)
…until Joe Biden added, “In the dictionary Profligate is next to Watergate.”
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy, but a larger room just begs to be redecorated.”
President Obama Said “Raising the Debt Ceiling Does Not Promote Profligacy…
… and besides, what a man or a woman does in the privacy of their own home should not be an issue. The agencies will still keep track of how often one profligates though to make sure there is no profligation gap and so that others will not be forced to go to bed without profligating.
…but platitudes lead to obfuscation and eventual placation.
…Joe Biden said he could prove he does not Profligate as he has no hair on his palms.
…and Biden said, “People shouldn’t use profligacy anyway. When I was a boy, my parents used to wash out my mouth with soap every time I would say a bad word.”
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…”I do!”
[an aside, Let us not raise the ceiling but chop them off at the knees if they want more headroom.]
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
I’m Joe Izuzu, trust me.
that’s my job.
but it does make you want to get down with your badself.
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
but it just might mean more cookies from Anonymiss.
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
you can tell by the bang up job we’ve done since the last debt ceiling hike.
but prior proper planning prevents piss poor performance.
and you can pull the other one, it’s got bells on it.
…In yer face TelePrompter! I read it right.
…Biden said, “Aaarrr! It be talk like a Profligate Day.”
…Biden said, “Profligacy? No, I’m Prochoicy.”
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
it restricts antifligacy.
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
it does, however, promote my agenda so make it so peasants.
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
and if you ever got paid to promote your ligacy, you know how painful that can be.
…but it sure makes me progettinjiggywidit.
“Straight Line of the Day: President Obama Said “Raising the Debt Ceiling Does Not Promote Profligacy”… “So be coprophagic widdat.”
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
…it’s reassuring to hear a waste of a leader speak about his area of expertise.
…that’s a great slogan for the “Leader of the FREE World” as he hands out entitlements and unearned benefits to his followers.
…Barry, try lowering the debt ceiling which would more certainly achieve the same result.
…but it sure makes me want to flagellate his ass — and raise some welts.
…but it certainly makes a fall to the debt floor last longer, much harder to survive — and hit with a bigger impact.
…he must be referring to anti-matter in the Bizarro world.
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
in much the same way that finding yourself at a bar after your wife left you, your truck got stolen and your dog got run over does not promote drunkenness. Or Country & Western song writing.
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
And then he looked very strangely at the teleprompter, shrugged his shoulders and wandered off.
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
…He then added, “I’ll clarify my remarks when I return from my two week vacation…”
…Just as raising Cain did not cause Abel’s murder.”
… Then paused a moment while he worked out how to work petunia, pneumonia, and preposterous into a sentence.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness….
Profligacy is next to Oligarchy…
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy… whatever dat means.”
@FormerHostate #23 – Inconceivable!
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
“and I would gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today”
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
but it passed unnoticed in the much larger universe of Stupid things the President has said.
President Obama said “raising the debt ceiling does not promote profligacy”…
but it certainly makes it a heckuvalot easier to achieve.
@65 Cookies to Zach! Clever 🙂
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