Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“Give the Walrus his cookies and no one gets hurts, capisce?”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“I am the Matador!”
“I now have the opportunity to share some of the pursuits with my husband that he enjoys most.”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“I think John Kerry will carry on the fine tradition of female Sec. of State that this country has enjoyed.”
“What difference does it make that there is a vast right-wing conspiracy?”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“I await my appointment to the Presidency. Be quick about it peasants.”
“Excuse me while I light my spliff;
Good God, I gotta take a lift:
From reality I just can’t drift;
That’s why I am staying with this riff. “
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“God that Wookie is a biatch!”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
…Does this pants suit make my butt look big?
… was, frighteningly enough, just “MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!”
…at this point what difference does it make?
…I’m ready for my close-up… but not from you… or you… or you…
…was her response to the question: Snickerdoodles or tollhouse?
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“The game does not conclude until the woman with the eating disorder ululates.”
…Why the long face John?
“Leeeeeeeeroy Jenkins!”
“…no Mr. Bond. I expect you to die.”
…was when she monologed and laid out her plan for world conquest.
“Ahh, but the strawberries that’s… that’s where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with… geometric logic… that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist, and I’d have produced that key if they hadn’t of pulled the Caine out of action. I, I, I know now they were only trying to protect some fellow officers… “
NOTE: Whatever you do, when reading #17 do NOT think of Hillary sitting in a chair playing with balls in her hand…
. . . was “Conclusions about Benghazi depend on your definition of ‘unprepared’ is.”
uh, that should be “WHAT your definition”, not simply “your definition”.
“I’m not a monster, I have the heart of a child… I keep it in my desk drawer.”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
was redacted.
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“Took the phone off the hook and spent several days gettin’ reacquainted with my man if you grab my meanin’.”
…deleted by her security team.
It all depends on the the definition of isn’t, isn’t.
I… did… want… to… have sex…. with that woman…
Monica Lewinski
…that Ben Gauzy fellow was actually a hire by the previous administration for a low level post in Cincinnati. His only duty was to monitor youtube videos posted by the Tea Partiers.
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
…”Don’t believe anything Gennifer Flowers says about me, Bill, Huma Abedin, and cats!”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
…”Don’t believe anything Gennifer Flowers says about me, Bill, Huma Abedin, and me eating cats!”
“Now, that I no longer have to represent the crappy state of New York, I can hardly wait to move back to Arkansas.”
…there were no interesting hillary quotes
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
… occurred shortly after the Men in Black showed up and caused her to revert to her true form.
Did I have anything to do with the Benghazi debacle? That all depends on what the meaning of IS is…
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“Our Ambassadors may be facing death in the Middle East, but I will be facing an almost certain presidential nomination.”
That Genifer Flowers is FABRICATOR! I hope to give her a good tongue lashing next time I see her!
Putin? Puhlease! If I can handle wild Bill…I can handle pooty poot.
Did I have anything to do with Benghazi? I plead the 5th…..
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“2008 you dissed me for some empty suit, either start buttering me up now or you get Biden in 2016. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.”
…”Lady Macbeth sure as heck was not a Democrat”.
…”The hot cauldron and pointy hat are horrible, but I do hate giving up the broom. Had some good times on the broom, turbulence and such”.
…”Estrogen? Never touch the stuff. Been a testosterone gal since my honeymoon”.
…was stated as Vogon poetry… there were no survivors.
“Yes, lives were lost. But homeland security has also disrupted scores of other snuke attacks. Nobody even talks about those.”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
was when she accidentally blurted out “whe’ all da white wimmin at?”
was her story about setting some sort of talking scarecrow on fire.
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“Miss me yet?”….”OK, I’ll come back later.”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“Consider Skynet as ‘Activated’.”
whew.. i sure am glad she saved us from them snuke attacks. Those things are rough. One day, there you are minding your own business and then, if your not careful, the snukers run up and the next thing you been snuked. You are a victim of forcible snukification. You may recover after years of therapy… but its doubtful.
The horror…..the horror….
if I win it will be weird to work behind the same desk Bill f*%@ed Monica on…
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“Take me now, subcreature.”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
…”My work was done at Foggy Bottom and it was time for me to get ready to make a move to the top.”
…”I still haven’t seen the video that caused so much trouble in Egypt and Libya.”
…”I felt it was time to leave State once it looked like diplomacy was becoming a dead end.”
…”My only regret is not being able to do my magic in Syria.”
“If Carlos Danger had won the NY mayoral primary I would have lost the ‘services’ of his wife Huma. She and Carlos are as dedicated to each other as Bill and I. It’s a loss for the city of NY but a gain for my campaign in 2016, as she will be my ‘closest adviser’.
… was not PG-13, so it can’t be printed here. Basically, it was the JFK “Ask Not” speech without the syllable “ree.”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
…”My work was done at Foggy Bottom so it was time for me to change my position.”
…”Pope Francis said, “‘Tell me, when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?’ We must always consider the person. Here we enter into the mystery of the human being.” — and I agree with the pontiff.”
…”It all depends on your definition of: ‘What difference at this point does it make?’”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
… was her assertion that “When the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor, what difference did it make?”
… occurred in an moment of uncharacteristic honesty and humility.
… will be suppressed by the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy until it can most effectively damage her impending presidential campaign.
… came when she pouted about Obama being the one to go down in histroy for completely destroying the economy with a healthcare bill instead of her.
… was “I came to Washington to make a name for myself as a diplomat, but all I got was a bunch of worthless State Department frequent flyer miles.”
… mentioned something about changing the carpet in the Oval Office.
… was in the form of a haiku.
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“…Chaz Bono surgery or not, I packed more b@lls than anyone else at State, and, hey, let’s be honest, Obama needed to bring in that which he sorely lacked. I mean. look at Michele, one quick glance and you can tell that Amazon is packing a fat sack, right?”
… occurred on Talk Like a Pirate Day: “Avast, Right-Wing conspiracy!!”
(then she invited Sandra Fluke and Rahm Emmanuel over: “Yo ho ho and a bottle of Rahm.”)
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
…”It all depends on your interpretation of: ‘What difference at this point does it make?’”
…”With the unsuccessful attempts made by Eliot Spitzer and my good friend Anthony Weiner, I have decided that I will not re-enter New York politics.”
…”I can not confirm that I will run for mayor of Detroit.”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“You beasts! But I’m not beaten yet. You’ve won the battle, but I’m about to win the wardrobe. My spotty puppy coat is in plain sight and leaving tracks. In a moment I’ll have what I came for, while all of you will end up as sausage meat, alone on some sad, plastic plate. Dead and medium red. No friends, no family, no pulse. Just slapped between two buns, smothered in onions, with fries on the side. Cruella De Vil has the last laugh! “
“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”
…”My legacy? My part in the destruction of the USA as we have known it, likewise the horrible state of world affairs, and I think to myself ‘All this and World War Three’, and you know, it’s been a job well begun. I’m today’s Slim Pickens, astride our nations setting sun, westward bound so all can kiss my bum”.
“Well, at least I didn’t have carnivorous relations with that dog”.
“I want Yemen to know that if I’m elected president I won’t get all Tammy Wynette and stand by Yemen. Is this thing on?”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
Keep those buckets of water away from me, or I’ll have the Secret Service make you disappear.
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
“Oh yes, I also made a Marzipan voodoo effigy of The Fonze while I was in coma after smoking some Peruvian prayer hash, but who at the end of the day can honestly say they haven’t done that?”
The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
…”When I am called to testify at the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s hearings on Benghazi, I will tell the truth and nothing but the truth — look Chelsea!”
…”When I am called to testify at the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s hearings on Benghazi, I will tell the truth and nothing but the truth — look Vince Foster!”
“I’m working on keeping a straight face when I say ‘I’m not interested in power, just in making America and the world a better place.'”
Do you have this in a size 18?
…something about getting some girl and her little dog too.
…In order to stop Obama from destroying the United States, she was supposed to say ‘Klaatu Barada…’ something… Necktie?… Nectar?…
The Most Interesting Quote From Hillary Clinton’s First Interview Since Quitting As Secretary of State…”
…..It’s 10:00 p.m (Benghazi time) …….my phone rang at 3:00 p.m (Washington time)……I was really pissed….as I only wanted to be called at 3:00 a.m.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bastards called me 12 hours to early!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me restate my previous post please.
The Most Interesting Quote From Hillary Clinton’s First Interview Since Quitting As Secretary of State…”
Interviewer: “What do you think about the Benghazi attacks on our Diplomatic US Mission in Libya?”
Hillary: “I received a hastily written wire from our Ambassador in Benghazi around 3:00 p.m., Washington time, stating that shit was hitting the fan and our US Consul was under attack. I think that was around 10:00 p.m. Libya time (I need to check the world clock – so don’t quote me on that). So, naturally, I figured it was a hoax and didn’t respond as I expected tragic news to be ringing on my telephone around 3:00 a.m Washington time. Plus, I’d already received previous hoaxes regarding security deficiencies from the same address.”
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