A new study shows that wind energy facilities have killed 67 federally protected golden and bald eagles in the last five years.
Wouldn’t it be cheaper to use shotguns?
A new study shows that wind energy facilities have killed 67 federally protected golden and bald eagles in the last five years.
Wouldn’t it be cheaper to use shotguns?
I suppose, if left on semi-auto rather than full-auto, even the new AR-15 automatic shotgun would, in the long run, be cheaper for killing eagles and other birds than would be a new wind turbine.
Well, obviously, we have to put big screens around each wind turbine, to protect the precious birdies.
That’ll probably double the cost of each wind turbine and reduce each ones already minimal efficiency, but it’ll be more ‘green’ jobs, right?
Maybe they can put solar panels on top of the screens?
@2 – In hippie utopia, the wind turbines don’t work because the solar panels block the breeze, and the solar panels don’t work because of the shade from the wind turbines.
There is no such thing as a free lunch.
The Dutch have had windmills for 100’s of years, how have they solved this problem?
Well, obviously, we have to put big screens around each wind turbine, to protect the precious birdies.
Those big screens would be Hi-Def, right?
You’d have to have them tuned into various sports and entertainment channels to capture the eagles’ interests…y’know, showing interviews with Chip Kelly or episodes of Sons of Anarchy.
Set up some recliners, beer coolers and bags of chips and I think the eagles would be good to go.
So a few old nearsighted birds bite the dust, those thing make FREEEEE electricity like 30 % of the time!! They won’t be complaining the other 70% of the time now will they? Nobody talks about that.
@7 – and don’t forget the shrieking banshee noise those things make – it’s worse than living next to an interstate.