You’ve… Um… Not Been Judged

Looks like Anonymiss of Nuking Politics is taking a little time off (I’ve been assured it’s nothing tragic, just time-consuming)

I suppose we could make the judging self-serve for a while, so maybe you can take to the comments and throw some bacon at your favorite lines from Friday’s straight line, “The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…


  1. Time off for Miss Anony is not allowed! Walrus will starve to death!

    Possible reasons for her time off:

    * Walrus payed her an unexpected visit and cleaned her out.

    * Her oven blew-up, taking her recipes with it, so she can’t bake. It’s a disaster rivaling the Colorado floods!

    * She’s resupplying her automated baking bins (flour, sugar, spices, etc.). This is not easy as it requires dump truck loads of ingredients and carefully monitored storage.

    * She foundered on her own cookies and is being treated for hyper-hyperglycemia.

    * Harvey payed her an unexpected visit and cleaned her out.

  2. Here’s Bacon to:

    Oppo says:
    …occurred on Talk Like a Pirate Day: “Avast, Right-Wing conspiracy!!”
    (then she invited Sandra Fluke and Rahm Emmanuel over: “Yo ho ho and a bottle of Rahm.”)
    …I want Yemen to know that if I’m elected president I won’t get all Tammy Wynette and stand by Yemen. Is this thing on?

    jw says:
    …there were no interesting hillary quotes

    FormerHostage says:
    “Leeeeeeeeroy Jenkins!”

    walruskkkch says:
    The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
    “I await my appointment to the Presidency. Be quick about it peasants.”
    “I am the Matador!”
    was redacted.

    TerribleTroy says:
    Putin? Puhlease! If I can handle wild Bill… I can handle pooty poot.

    Drew93 says:
    The most interesting quote from Hillary Clinton’s first interview since quitting as Secretary of State…
    was when she accidentally blurted out …whe’ all da white wimmin at?”

    Bob in Feenicks says:
    …something about getting some girl and her little dog too.

  3. My favorite’s

    FormerHostage says:
    …was when she monologed and laid out her plan for world conquest.

    Dohtimes says:
    “Well, at least I didn’t have carnivorous relations with that dog”.

    rodney dill says:
    “I’m not a monster, I have the heart of a child… I keep it in my desk drawer.”

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