[High Praise! to MPH]
The difference between a radical muslim and a moderate muslim is the radical muslim wants to kill you for not being muslim, the moderate muslim wants the radical muslim to kill you for not being muslim.
[High Praise! to MPH]
The difference between a radical muslim and a moderate muslim is the radical muslim wants to kill you for not being muslim, the moderate muslim wants the radical muslim to kill you for not being muslim.
And then there are the progressive muslims, who don’t seem to have a clue about anything. Obama’s one of that kind of muslims.
And then there are the “peaceful Muslims” who cheer when you die. They’re the largest percentage.
And let’s not forget a fifth category, the under-cover (shariaptitious) muslims.
Well, I say revenge is a Daesh best beaten cold.
@3: “shariaptitious” ? You’re just makin’ stuff up. 😀
The difference between a radical
muslimdemocrat and a moderatemuslimdemocrat is the radicalmuslimdemocrat wants tokillimprison you for notbeingliking muslims, the moderatemuslimdemocratwantsvotes for the radicalmuslimdemocrat and puts lots of bumper stickers on their Prius so everyone knows they’re amuslimdemocrat.Even simpler, A Democrat wants to control all aspects of your existence. There are no longer any other type of Democrat.