Probably Puppies and Meddling Kids

Elizabeth Warren says the Democrats running for president will have to do more than campaign on an anti-Trump message.

Oh… what else that’s good about America right now is she suggesting they hate?


  1. Well lets see…taxes are lower thanks to Trump, Dems hate that. Unemployment is low thanks to Trump, Dems hate that. The nation is prosperous thanks to Trump, Dems hate that. Thanks to Trump we are no longer the world’s monetary sugar daddy and I guarantee you the Dems hate that. Yup, there are a lot of issues they can run on.

  2. Well if Anti-Trump won’t do they can always go to their well worn back up of Anti-America and we hate half of Americans who should just shrivel up and die already. They got that patter down so well they probably recite it in their sleep.

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