With another big round number reached in the number of American deaths, liberals are in gleeful celebration thinly covered by faux-mourning. I don’t think this will have the legs of the 1,000 number they we’re all drooling for way back when, but I still really want to punch of these people. How do I get that feeling out my system? Punching one of these people?
To some, the death is a tragedy. To others, a statistic. And to the loon, political opportunity!
I truly hate those people, about the same level that I hate terrorists.
I can’t go to the Kos site without getting either ill or very, very angry. My suggestion, mock them mightily here. And meditate on their crushing defeats in the last few elections.
Liberals are like that dumbass kid you knew when you were 11, who thought it was really funny to poke a stick through the fence at the meanest dog on the block.
They better hope that dog never gets out.
‘Cause he’s real pissed.
What really pisses me off is that they treat it like a new years countdown, when it’s really sad… like a VH1 countdown! But seriously, I mourn the deaths of all, and thank them greatly for their sacrifice… they see political gain. Rot in hell, liberals…
You know that blinding rage Rush is always saying has taken the libs? That is what I feel when I think about those vultures. I am not a hateful person but my God they are so undeserving of the Freedom those 2000 bought for them. And please, please don’t link Kos to this site. No point feeding them any freebies. Have the Freepers ever hit that site? Now that would be FUN.
Link doesn’t work.
Not only are these people too stupid to live, the survival of our nation offends them.
Somebody added ‘Deathebration’ to the tags on that Kos Entry.
But only I have the official Technorati “Deathebration” tag. No one else, Just me.
Let the little jerkoffs have another Wellstone moment. When the rest of the country sees their ghoulish asses, the backlash will be….satisfying.