Klaatu barada nikto!

Thank heavens it is FINALLY over! Bring on Deal or No Deal, The Apprentice, The Office and My Name Is Earl!
The closing ceremony went well until a giant robot from space showed up and began enslaving the medalists.


  1. Do not really give a crap about this post. Just am sad about the loss of Don Knotts. He was a comic genious. He gave so much comic laughter in my lifetime. I have no idea of what his political beliefs were but his comedy figured big in my lifetime. I will miss him. I love Barney. He is such a part of my life. I will miss him. Barney, I hope you will find your extra bullet and I hope you will find yourself the Sherriff of the town that you deserve. I will miss you.

  2. And a Canadian giant robot from space, no less.
    All the more reason to invade our unfriendly neighbors to the north, as they have an obvious connection to these aliens!
    Judging by your photo here, it could also be categorized as a weapon of mass destruction!

  3. Curling took off in Palenco. They started with like 20 people in the stands, then they were hald to three quarters packing the ice palace. I liked watching the women’s curling better than the men’s for some reason. Those Johnson sisters did something for my… well, you get the point.

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