How long before this becomes the next reality series to stink up the airwaves?

Oh, lighten up, kid.
At least you don’t have to be one every day.

JEW FOR A DAY Reality Show Pitch
Twelve contestants are forced to become Jews for a day.
Challenges are:

  • Torah canting.
  • Guilt.
  • Navigating a desert to avoid all the oil patches.
  • Occupying Arab land. (“God gave my people that parking space. Park your camel elsewhere, Habib!”)
  • Avoiding non-Kosher foods.

Every round, a female and male contestant are told to “Hit the showers!” and leave the game.
When down to the final couple, they are joined in an arranged marriage and then forced to argue for forty years until they realize that there are no winners.


  1. Let’s see. Reinforced by the example of the “adults”, half of the students will think that this is the way Jews should be treated. The other half will be discouraged from becoming Jewish.
    Did Muslims come up with this “lesson”?

  2. Something similar once happened to me. I showed up at work one day and my boss put a dog collar on me. He said that I was a dog for the day, which confused me, but whatever. Then Glenn Reynolds showed up with a blender . . .

  3. It wouldn’t suprise me to hear of an individual coming up with such an asinine idea as this, but for an entire school to get in on it?? These people are idiots. Sometimes I wonder how these dumbasses figure out how to roll out of bed in the morning. Maybe tomorrow they can give half the students swords, call them little muhammads, and tell the other students that they are prospective converts . . . A good way to teach the little tykes how to respect the religion of peace and it’s pedophile prophet.

  4. If I may offer a few more:
    1) Speaking Hebrew/Yiddish without spitting, inadvertently clearing your throat, or hocking a loogie afterwards.
    2) Explaining how, unlike how the grocery store believes, we do not, in fact, eat matzo, macaroons, and gefilta fish on each and every freakin’ holiday!
    3) Demonstrating that we are not the ones who always complain about Christmas decorations. It’s mostly those liberal gentiles!
    4) Describe how our toolboxes contain more then just a butter knife.

  5. They ripped off the Blue Eye/Brown Eye experiement from years ago without even mentioning it? If you even tried to do that these days as a Psych experiment you’d likely get your license revoked for completely ignoring all ethical standards as set by the APA. Don’t know how they all apparently thought it’d be a good idea.

  6. Get a grip! These “tykes” were eigth graders. Not 7-8 year-olds but adolescent teenagers. This is the group more commonly referred to as the age that is explosively (in numbers, not literally) experimenting with sex, drugs, and alcohol. If they were upset by the excercise I say, “Good!” To the best of my knowlege, every one of them was able to take the star off and return to the state that they entered school that day. To the millions who died in the holocaust, they only got to take the star off as they were herded to their deaths. This practical lesson will last much longer than reading about it in a textbook. We should grow thicker skin and hire more teachers like this.

  7. They weren’t original in their thinking, yet didn’t give credit to the teacher that first did it. I don’t care that they did it, I do mind that it was mandatory and done without informed consent. Just because they’re the age group that is “explosively experimenting with sex, drugs, and alcohol” doesn’t mean you can just ignore the ethical standards in place when doing an experiment on them. Plus, I don’t understand the point of the experiement, what was the hypothesis? If it was just “it was bad to be a jew in Nazi Germany” then you’re not going to find much disagreement outside of the various supremecist groups and muslims in general.

  8. Since we’re back on the subject of Jewish atrocities through the ages, I’ve got a couple of questions I’ve been wondering about for some time now. I hope they’re not still secret, so Laurence can tell us now.
    1) Last I heard, the US Army was still, in the 1970s before the chemical and biological weapons bans, looking for a viable agent to use for poisoning water supplies. Chemical agents apparently all required huge amounts to overcome dilution, and biological agents were all susceptible to floridation or direct sunlight and such; even things like typhus can only be used in limited circumstances. I think the famous LSD experiments on Vietnam era GIs were an unsuccessful attempt to find a practical way to poison a water supply. So, what was it the medieval jooooos used to poison wells all the time?
    2) How did jooooos know to take rats along when travelling during the Middle Ages to spread the Black Death?
    Nobody else knew how the plague spread until when, Pasteur and his pals cottoned to it in the 1880s? Are you all just genius inductive epidemiologists or did Satan clue you in on it?
    3) About the word “gentiles”. That’s pretty funny, I still giggle every time I hear the word, thinking of all the money you jooooooos must be raking in from the Mormons on that one. After all, in 1830 or whenever it was that Joseph Smith got started, I’ll bet absolutely all the good lawyers were jooooos; you must’ve gotten the best copyright infringement award/licensing agreement ever.

  9. Cotillion – Probably no one got any of them. I crack myself up, but mostly I just confuse people. I hope Ann didn’t think I was lending credence to antisemitic lies by joking about how absurd they seemed scientifically (#1 and #2). #3 was a joke on how the Mormons call everyone who isn’t a Mormon a “gentile”. I’m thinking that’s a play on the “chosen people” approach Jews (at least used to) take. That plus the canard that Jewish lawyers are the best lawyers, and a dig at all lawyers about suing over everything, and you get a scenario that I find potentially humorous. I’m probably the only one. Wouldn’t be the first time.

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