Hellbender Ends This Week

Last two parts of Hellbender will be posted this week, so don’t say I never finished anything. That will actually be two whole stories completed (well, I meant to have a epilogue to Superego, but never got around to it; that’s why I’m making sure I write the epilogue to Hellbender before I post the last chapter). Now I can finally move on to my next project which will be either a computer game or writing a proper novel — though most likely it will just be me playing lots of Fallout 3.


  1. Video games are like a drug in that they push pleasure buttons in the brain and have nothing to do with reality. They are a cognitive drug.

    Drug pushers make way more money than drug users. Therefore go for writing the video game.

    Or maybe you should ask Sarah K what she thinks…

  2. As his sporadic but lucrative career bootlegging chapters of Hellbender at SciFi conventions nears the end, someone *coughVeeshircough* looks to retire. At least until Hellbender II- Attack Of The Clooney Clones gets started.

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