The winning billboard slogan the DNC picked to really stick it to Rush…
“America Didn’t Vote for a Rush to Failure”
Or is it a slogan for Rush and against Obama? It’s so lame, it should be a campaign issue; can you really trust the country to people who came up with that as a slogan? It’s so lame, it would get a groan from a four year old. It’s so lame, it could be a joke on SNL. It’s so lame, the billboard will probably rip itself apart trying to punch itself in the face.
Anyway, it’s lame. Great job, Democrats.
If I saw it, and I didn’t know better, I would think it was an advertisement FOR Rush, wouldn’t you? I mean, whenever we talk failure, I’d think we were talking about the economy under Obama…
“America Didn’t Vote for a Rush to Failure.”
Nope – we just voted for a failure
So we don’t have any foreign enemies, only domestic terrorists like Rush Limbaugh? Is the Obama regime kidding? Don’t they read the newspaper (oops, the Internet) in the White House?
I have a sudden urge to JOIN Rush 24/7, the paid-subscription part of his website. On principle.
The funny thing is that Rush will most likely INCREASE his listeners.
At the very least, I hope he buys his own billboard to plaster right over it; as long as they get their $ the billcoard co. shouldn’t care. It shouldn’t be too expensive either for him to out-spend the libtards sacrificing the piggy bank coinage they get from
Mom and DadUncle Barry.Rush should buy another billboard near it with the stock market graph since Obama took office.
“America didn’t vote for a rush to failure…
…But with Obama/Reid/Pelosi, that’s EXACTLY what America got.”
Facts are stubborn things. Unfortunately, liberals just see it as a challenge to be even MORE stubborn. They’re like 2-year-olds that way.
As usual, the left-wing-nuts are completely clueless. They DID “vote for a RUSH to failure”, and they STILL don’t see it.
Too many trees in that forest.
This has to be a joke. Right? That cannot seriously be the slogan. But what would you expect from a bunch of people with the collective IQ of a monkey.
We are Democrats
Crazy as bats
Slogans about Rush
Makes our KOS kids gush
Obama is our Lord
We shall remain his mighty horde
Angry and spiteful we remain
Patriotic we feign
Socialists to the bone
Oh that we could Obama to have blown
Stimulus this – Stimulus that
Tim’s plans may go splat
We shall not be sad
Michael Steele is truly mad
The GOP is lost at sea
Upon Reagan’s grave we shall pee
Obama shall lead us to the promise land
We shall follow his every command
It’s so lame that skim milk called and wants to help spice it up.
Wow, I feel my politics completely changing.
Here I had spent years developing my reasons for why I opposed the Democrats, why I was against what Obama stood for before he ever even ran for President, why I support free market principles . . .
But, now I see a billboard that says:
“America Didn’t Vote for a Rush to Failure.”
I feel my whole worldview changing.
All this time I thought the Democrats were a party of sound bites and emotions who couldn’t put a serious coherent argument together if their life depended on it and didn’t have even the capacity to understand their opposition much less obtain a sense of humor about it all – but I see I’ve clearly been proven wrong.
Huh. That… uh… that’s a really bad slogan. First off, most people won’t know who Rush is, nor will they care. At first glance at the billboard from the context of their cars, people won’t even see the pun, they’ll think it’s just a slam against Obama.
But Hey! If they want to spend their money on “stickin’ it to *Rush*” then I’m all fore it!
AND I’m for it.
See, I’m ahead of it (fore) AND I support it! Get it? GET IT??
ok then.
Wow Kent, as Thurston Howell III would say, “Capitol idea, just capitol.” (pardon the pun)
You’re idea is outstanding, but no fair “clouding” the issue with facts.
Kinda makes you wonder what the LOSERS
Holy crap! A monkey landed on my keyboard and submitted that last comment before I finished! Wait a minute….
…OK. Now an ex-monkey. Ahem…to continue….
Kinda makes you wonder what the LOSERS were.
* RUSH is like…dumb!
* RUSH is…fat…and stupid…and…fat!
* Don’t listen to him and RUSH to judgment on Obama!
That billboard slogan is so lame, Joe Biden refused to take credit for it.
I vote we commandeer it as our 2012 slogan.
The actual slogan is:
“America didn’t vote for a RUSH to failure (except in Iraq).”
i swear every time an anti-war dem tells us they are not quitters, i want to throw something at the screen.
The cognitive dissonance is startling.
In fairness, when they eliminated the cussing and submissions written in all caps that probably took care of 95% of the entries.
“America Didn’t Vote for a Rush to Failure.”
…sounds like someone’s ignoring their recent 401k statements, among other things…
Me thinks you meant the WHINING billboard , we are talking about democrats!
Some Americans voted for a “failure” instead of Rush. Finally I’m in the right place…….I think.
Dorothy where are you, you little progressive thinker you; )
Did anyone see the billboard? It has a picture of Rush chomping on a huge cigar. We should start a useful idiots campaign, and start slamming the DNC with messages about how we hate the billboard, because it glorifies tobacco, and how they need to change it. That way, they will have to spend some money in order to remove the cigar.
After they do that, we can then start complaining that they darkened Rush’s image (which they did) in order to make him more evil looking, and how that is offensive to minorities, and actually racist, and maybe a secret Obama message. We could flood them with stuff like this for months.
Actually, America did vote for a Rush to failure by electing Obama.
SNL? more like MADtv amirite?
I actually support the billboard though, i support any (well, most) efforts the left takes that shows just how immature they are.
-too many people to list
Wow, I’m surprised that someone here didn’t make that one up…I really like it. It speaks perfectly to the buyer’s remorse those Obama voters must be feeling right now, and the fact that there’s even a reference to the guy who was proven right after warning the country how awful a president The One would quickly prove to be l is just the icing on the cake. It points out quite succinctly how the idiots that voted for The One voted for “hope” and “change” and instead, within the first 50 days Obama shoved through harmful, failed socialist policies at record speed.
“America Didn’t Vote for a Rush to Failure”
I’d say that Billboard is accurate. At least 48% accurate that is.